

They hired the Shakespeare Monkeys?!?

If it's a legitimate debate, misogynistic old dinosaurs like George Will have a way of shutting the whole thing down.

I actually learned a lot from the whole convo (apart from the people showing up to sling ridiculous insults in my general direction) - I hadn't known as much about some of the more substantive work she's been involved in - most of the UN stuff that I had seen showed her getting her picture taken with starving

I'll just leave this here:

Sure, the quiet, in-disguise, no cameras thing works when it is a celebrity visiting one sick kid - you don't want to freak the kid out or cause a racket in a hospital. But it is NOT the same thing when you are trying to raise public awareness about huge issues. You must realize that. What Jolie is doing is EXACTLY

You sound extremely ignorant. I am guessing you are an American. Have you ever lived anywhere outside your privileged little bubble? As a non-white from a third world country where I spent most of my life and who has worked with rape and domestic violence victims, I can tell you they need this. And this would not have

…the following months, she returned to Cambodia for two weeks and met with Afghan refugees in Pakistan, where she donated $1 million in response to an international UNHCR emergency appeal…In an effort to connect her Cambodian-born son with his heritage, Jolie purchased a house in his country of birth in 2003. The

She learned how to fly a plane in order to be able to facilitate food/supply drops her damn self. She travels and speaks directly to refugees, war survivors and rape survivors in order to be able to advocate at high levels for people who have no voice. And she absolutely recognizes her privilege in being able to do

You know, I really don't get people being all "this isn't going to be effective" or "what will these summits even do". She's someone with a voice using it to give volume to what is a tragic and often ignored tragedy.

The power of the non-binding resolution compels you!

Maybe instead of men thinking 1 in 5 is a wildly inflated number and that "everyone is crying rape" (btw, I noticed in another post you mentioned being the father of a daughter... for her sake, promise me you'll never say or even think that phrase again) men should instead be shocked and appalled regarding the reality

Oh and also "I don't know anyone/no one told me/it hasn't happened to me therefore I question the statistics, because I, I, I, I, I, me me me!"

Let me guess: You're a man. How fucking shocking. Douchebag.

"Rape is a serious issue ... but... blah blah blah bullllshit."

When I told a friend about being assaulted by a person he knew, and how horrified I was that the main concern of the man who violated me was that he "didn't want [me] to think [he was] a bad person," my friend responded by saying "he wasn't a bad guy."

You know, out of a ton of female friends, I only have one who has talked to me about being sexually assaulted. So if I was using your standards, I'd agree with you.

I can't tell for sure, but I'm guessing from your comments that you are a man. Has it occurred to you that most women don't tend to tell their male friends when they've been assaulted? If they tell anyone at all (and my guess is that many don't), they tell their female friends.

I think (purely opinion here) it's because, as a journalist/commenter, a huge part of what he writes about is contemporary culture/norms, political trends, what have you. As such he has an obligation to be well-informed about today's world. If his commentary smacks of someone so uninformed as to reflect a sheltered
