
To everyone who was worried about me making it through tonight, and at least to this post, I'm here. I am not doing well at the moment though. Right now everything that is hurting me at the moment is just crushing down on me so hard. I am going back and forth between crazy sobbing and just screaming. I want to cut

This will instantly date me, but when I was a kid, my mom's bible-thumping friend informed her that KISS stood for Knights in Satan's Service. Oh, she also only allowed her daughter to wear pastel (think pink) nail polish and absolutely no tube tops because you know, that meant you were looking for sex aka slutty.

mushrooms made me cry once too. I had to listen to the Carpenters on repeat to make the bad feelings stop. I only had 3 songs on my iPod, one of which was a Christmas Carol.

My ex is....a horrible person. We had been having a horrible fight, and decided to drive to the store to get coffee to mix with the cheap vodka we'd gotten from my roommate. He gets out of the car at the gas station and runs into some guy he knows. After what seems like forever, he gets back in the car and says, okay,

Oh! I just thought of another story!

Sorry-this is long, but there's really no short way to tell it.

"I can see my hands, I can see my legs, my body...BUT I'VE NEVER SEEN MY FACE."

Thanks EGR! The legend of Artem Chubarov grows to this day!

So, this one time, my friends and I decide to take some powdered "mescaline." In retrospect, this probably wasn't mescaline. We ended up calling it the "research chemical."

Anyway, I am not sure why I reacted so powerfully to it while my friends didn't. I mean, they were definitely high, but I was in deep fucking

After reading Dowd's story, I wondered why there have been no attempts at edibles education in our national conversation. Kids! Edibles are not the way to dip your toes in the pot pool! Slow your fucking roll and have someone load you a bowl FFS.

A former friend lived with a woman that was a major stoner. Wake up, smoke. Go to bed, smoke. All the time, smoke. Therefore, her tolerance was very high. (haha...high.) One time we were hanging out and she had made pot brownies, a whole pan of them cut into little squares. She offered them to us and we ate a few,

Both times that I've smoked weed have been completely terrible. The first time I was a freshman in college and was chilling at my friend's house sitting place. I gave it a shot (and probably smoked too much too fast) and within 5 minutes my face was paralyzed in this goofy grin and I was convinced that I couldn't

One time when I was a teen I got high with one of my friends and we followed around this woman because we thought she was a witch because she was carrying a staff and dressed in a black trench coat with black makeup and wearing a weird hat but then I went up to her and asked her if she was a witch and she told me she

Not all hurricanes.

No, that is not at all what those numbers suggest. The numbers solely suggest that more men had reported having been raped that year. That is all.

Actually, it's almost as if you can't read because I've already explained that, and the study itself explains that. I guess you're not even reading the things you're citing?

Do you honestly not understand how averages work? Let's break it down to an even simpler example. Say you want to know whether cats are bigger than dogs, so you measure 100 pairs of cats and dogs. You find, on average, dogs are bigger. You also find, that if you pick one pair at random, the cat is bigger, because you

Yeah, I know that, because I'm the person who had to tell you that. So again, do you seriously not understand how one year of data is related to multiple years of data?

Well, hello, there! I recall having to explain that very same CDC report to you before. Did you learn nothing?