
I've been raped twice. I have been told—to my face—that my actual rapes are worse than a rape accusation. I know a lot of women who have been raped. I don't know a single woman who has ever gone to the police. I know that guy (maybe it's you) who will tell the story of how a false rape allegation briefly impacted

I had something of a revelatory experience last week when I was riding the metro home from work and witnessed something that gave me an inkling of what women have to deal with probably all-too-frequently as part of their daily lives.

YES, seriously.

Does he know some nice, other bouncer-sized single men? Because I am about ready to relocate. To, say, Mars.

Sigh. I really wish you guys would understand that the OP's entire argument was, "context doesn't matter, statistics doesn't matter, so long as there's a teeny tiny chance that a single man could do this, I am afraid". Coming back at me with "no, because context" is the exact opposite of the OP's argument.

I hope you're happy with your persecution complex. As of the point of my posting, he has 19 stars/upvotes, one from me.

I don't agree with the last part of what you said.

Don't feed the trolls! We have to have at least ONE discourse not derailed by men who would rather defend their gender than be a part of the solution.

Amen. And the truly sad part is, it is not men who perpetrate crimes against women who legitimize it, but the men who vehemently deny it's frequency. Quit saving face for your fucking, over-privileged gender and do something about it. Or better yet, just stop denying it.

"The scary thing is how well predators can hide themselves amongst men."

UGH, why does he even care?! It's not like "women only" gyms are nicer than co-ed ones, for fuck's sake.

Dear #NotAllMen,

I am furious right there with you girl. And here is why. I don't want to be afraid of men. I don't want to think that anytime I walk past a man and I am alone I need to be on the defensive. I don't want to cringe when I am out for a jog and a car pulls up on the side of the road to park and all I can think about

I had a similar conversation with my college roommate's boyfriend. He was angry about 'women only' gyms. I couldn't make him understand that for too many reasons to count, lots of women feel vulnerable being in front of men when wearing gym attire.

BEER COMMERCIALS?????? THAT is your argument???? What is next? Women only put on lipstick and dresses to distract men from their hunting because you saw it on Bugs Bunny?? Seriously, there is so much wrong with this video, but THAT, I can't even.......

Also, Budweiser is better than Bud Light at football.

Things I learned from beer commercials:

I had almost the exact same situation, except instead of calling me a whore the creepy forty-something man (I was 19) I'd been trying to avoid all evening threw his beer in my face.

I was out for my birthday last Saturday night and was out dancing with my friends. Literally in just our little circle dancing away to some cheesy 90's music. Some guy came up behind me and just would not stop groping me. I removed his hands and said 'No' at least 4 times, eventually I just moved to a different part