
At least 44 people have been killed and nearly 10,000 have been displaced and evacuated in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina due to massive flooding. The AP reports, a rescue worker described the scene as looking "like a tsunami and earthquake occurred at once." The flooding is said to be a result of record

Not all peopl...oh, all of them? Alright.

I am confused and frightened by all pop culture now.

More propaganda from the fat cats in Big Thyme Oil

I GOT A FUCKING JOB THIS WEEK. I've been out of work for a fucking YEAR! I'm so happy right now you guys!!!!!

I had a yard sale today and was nervous about it. First of all, I live alone, have no friends here (due to recently relocating), and no family, so basically no help. I've been working all week organizing and pricing things. Then I went to hang signs today and moved all the stuff (furniture included) into the front

I was just watching Bob Ross last night and now I hear of a painting nun also on PBS?! Anybody remember this guy and his happy trees?

This is a good answer IMO. In the real world a threatening person can be barred from being around their victim. We should do this for bullies too when the school won't do anything. The school might change their practices with bullying if they are suddenly having to move bullies all over different classrooms because

I went to prom with a male friend. I didn't really want to go, and he basically badgered me into it. He promised that we would have The Best Time Ever! He did, but I did not.

I read this as "School of LITERACY Erotica." Oh dear.

My prom date backed out on me a few weeks before prom because he found out that I had a super mega crush on him and he only liked me as a friend. So that was great. I asked a girl friend of mine to go with me since she was only a junior and hadn't already made plans. Unfortunately, there was a guy flying solo in our

I moved to Mesa, AZ with my family the last 2 years of high school. It was literally hell on earth. The girls I was friends with had been bullied all through out school by these super jock Mormons. Well it was all super new to me, I had only gone to really small schools in rural areas where people didn't light your

Instead of going to prom, I went to see the Ramones.

I went to an International boarding school based on the IGCSE curriculmn but we had proms anyway. I'd just recovered from a severe bout of ache so my self confidence was shot, but I'd made my dad suffer through my dress shopping so I figured I go. Face full of make up and rocking a short dress and curly weave, I

Oh, other prom story: my junior prom (the one where my boyfriend took another girl because he was an idiot) was not very interesting. One of my friends had a tendency to get carsick and brought some dramamine (sp?), but did not have a tiny satin purse to hold it in. I offered to hold it for her. Turns out she

My senior prom; I went with a friend of mine. It was actually a great night which surprised me considering the rest of my high school experience. Anyway, my friend was remarkably taller than me to the point that at one point he half-jokingly asked if I wanted a chair to stand on while dancing with him. Well it turns

I dunno, I was looking at the cat's facebook page and it seems pretty unflappable. That is not a sentence I ever thought I would be writing.