
Yes! Thanks for reminding us of the original song's message! Don't care if it's an overplayed anthem, I feel obliged to quote the lyrics here. Note that the real fuck you she delivers to her former tormentor does not include her rising above his income bracket:

As much as I would have loved to be able to become a CEO and have my revenge on all of those people from school, I didnt. Dreams of revenge were all well and good but for some reason that never happened.

Hmmm, does anyone else find it horrifying that the message in this ad, is that the way workers are treated by bosses, which is quite terrible, is somehow justified? That adults who are treated like less than humans deserve to be treated this way? That worker exploitation is somehow karma? I hate to break it to VH1 but

Yeah, bullying isn't one of those things that you just leaves behind once you graduate. That shit stays with you and if you never heal from it, it affects you well into adulthood. I had a pretty stable family life and good parents, but was bullied relentlessly in school and it totally fucked with my self-esteem. As an

I've always found "anti-bullying" campaigns to be BS. I remember when I was in elementary school my school joined a league of "peaceful" schools that was meant to stop bullying. We had a ceremony etc. Even at the age I was (7? 8?) I remember thinking it was just typical adult posturing. I knew it wouldn't actually

It's like that advice sheet for kids to deal with their bullies that made the Internet rounds recently - basically a guidebook for acquiring learned helplessness and complex PTSD. Why is it so fucking hard for adults in positions of authority to understand that we need to teach children NOT TO ABUSE OTHERS. Obviously,

Ooh, that reminds me of seventh grade - there was a guy who was rating girls' boobs TO THEIR FACES on a scale of "plains/hills/mountains/Welcome to the Himalayas!" (In addition to just generally being a pervy shithead.) When I told our guidance counselor, he said he couldn't do anything about it if he didn't see it,

Abuse does absolutely fucked up things to you and, truly, one of the most heartbreaking parts of it is the way that it can rob you of your compassion and caring for others. I dated someone recently who was bullied as a kid and really never healed from that trauma, so in his adulthood, I saw these streaks of meanness

Yep. All those parents and teachers who shrug off dealing with bullies get to feel better because the kids will become rich and famous. NOT.

Incredibly stupid ad. For one thing, specially in our economic model, those bullies many times do end up being the boss often enough, that's the fucking problem.

Bullying reduced my confidence to the point where I didn't think I could do much and now I'm NOT the boss, and I'm NOT the one making decisions over the people that bullied me as an adult. It's followed me into adulthood in a lot of ways. This ad is horseshit, it really is.

This PSA is crap. The message it puts out cannot possibly be defended by any logical, reasonable person. Its almost like none of the decision makers that allowed this to be conceptualized, created and aired, have any interaction with children in a meaningful way. I would be disappointed, but seriously, coming from VH1

Actually, what makes me angry is that the commercial doesn't go far enough. I was at many times brutalised beyond the kind of Saved by the Bell antics the video portrays. Did a lot of this stuff happen to me? Yes. I was surprised to see being shoved into lockers not portrayed (this also actually happened to me).

"How can we help kids being bullied?"

It'll be Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It."

Being bullied happens in all sorts of psychologically twisted ways that go way beyond simple acts of physical violence, even beyond online bullying as you acknowledged.

Plus doesn't it kind of tell kids "Don't worry, when you're an adult you can be an asshole to people you think probably were bullies when they were kids"? Isn't this the same mindset that, for example, angry mannerds use when they harass women cosplayers? "They're the kind of women who would have rejected me in high

I'm the daughter of someone who was bullied as a kid, and this kind of message really only creates entitlement to bully other people. There's that sense of "I sucked it up, so can you", "Don't be so sensitive, I've experienced worse." mentality that created a pretty hostile environment for me and my sister when we

It also doesn't address how mentally handicapped kids are pretty common targets for bullying. What are they supposed to do if you follow this ad?

Oh wow, love the attempt to make comedy out of kids being assaulted. Next up - a domestic violence psa with images of women and kids being beaten to peppy music?