
pretty sure the pricing isn’t the problem at this point in time.

My hesitancy around buying a Tesla isn’t the retail price - it’s the complete lack of faith in the company that insists they be responsible for 100% of the maintenance and support, and their demonstrated inability to, you know, do that.

Well, now we know who hacked Club Penguin!

oh hell yes!

Inside the database are stories of Google accidentally recording hundreds of kids speaking, inadvertently using Google Street View to catalog and store thousands of license plates, and exposing some Google Docs and Drive files as public even though they weren’t meant to be.

We live in a world where someone who goes by “Jellybeanbrainss” can be be popular enough to make enough money to destroy $100k+ cars and come out profitable. And we have systems in place that make this possible and encourage it.

“Jelly Bean Brains” is an Instagram / OF model, and one of her gimmicks is to do insane things to various expensive vehicles that are...well I don’t think they’re hers per se but she and whoever she works with use them to create clickbait content.

That first photo has a very “Oregon Trail” vibe to me. “You failed to forge the river. You lost half of your Red Bulls.”

TBH, I thought $2k was fairly reasonable for a Tesla repair... still a very expensive fix for such a minor incident. I wonder how long he’ll have to wait to get the part. I doubt they’re going to take any parts away from product/sale of new trucks for warranty work.

Deburring is a lost art no longer practiced.

Cyber Truck .... $103,492
ER Visit.... $18,243
Elon Payoff .... $56,000,000,000

In British Colombia this is a failure for a motor vehicle safety inspection. You aren’t allowed to have anything on the exterior of the vehicle that is ‘sharp enough that a child could cut their finger on’.

56 billion pay package? Sounds about right, right?

There were posts on Threads over the weekend about CT owners finding that the braking is sorely lacking. They’ve had to swerve or brake unusually early, in order to avoid collisions.

There are things missing and/or broken, but I still adore it.

You would have to have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome to find the CT an acceptable product.

EV’s lack of noise has been on the Federal government’s radar for at least 20 years. It was a concern when fuel cell cars were being touted in the late 90's as a gas alternative. We avoided that fate by declaring war.

Another major factor is that cars traveling on battery power are much quieter than gas or diesel vehicles”

He is also like Trump in that he believes that if he says something often enough and believes it,  it becomes true. Norman Vincent Peale school of business.

It’s about fucking time. Musk is like Trump in that doesn’t think he should ever have consequences for his bad actions.