
“Our matchmaking algorithm is shit so we’re going to come up with an even worse matchmaking algorithm. Please keep paying for our service!”

Ok this will blow your mind.. Boeing. is. not. a. person.

Boeing is Exhibit A of, if corporations really want to be people, there needs to be a corporate death penalty.  Break it up, sell off the parts, and let another aerospace company rise that won’t endanger air travel by cutting corners for profits.

dude got bullied off his own site and deleted his account after he started posting weird RFK Jr conspiracy stuff. 

Considering he has the feds up his ass, I’m going to assume that he’s going to go full alt-right in the hopes that Trump wins the election and grants him a pardon.

I’m not sure if it’s an alarm bell considering the userbase reaction to this news has been “good.”

I’d at least have my phone/remote/whatever opens it ready, just in case before I tried that.

the most bizarre part is basically all these companies have to comply with that rule in basically every other country they operate and flights are still just as cheap

I don’t know if that’s the actual case, considering the massive voter suppression within Texas and other “red” states.

Well, if he only thinks of his richest donors as his “true” constituents, then there you have it!

And yet, Texans keep voting for him.

The GOP platform is just “How can I be an asshole today?”

It does kinda suck when the worlmhole is reduced from a portal to exploration to a bad guy hole.

Or at the very least a little more time before all out war. More failed diplomacy, more learning more about what the Dominion is and what life in the Gamma Quadrant is like both with and without the Dominion. I think that would have been really interesting to see instead of having the reveal of who the Dominion is and

Return to work is the reason for increased pollution and inflation. For almost three years, all revenue of all entities was down. It’s no coincidence gas prices (all prices of all goods) shot up the day after ‘return to the office’ was being talked about.

We had a meeting at work a few weeks back to try and find ways to diminish our carbon footprint.
I raise my hand and said: the most efficient way to reduce our carbon footprint is to allow remote work. It would save approximately X amount of gallons of gas per year and would be at no cost whatsoever ( or negligeable ) t

Anyone who knows even the slightest thing about how those workloads operate was already aware of this. It’s why so much of the pearl clutching around “AI stealing jobs” always seems hilariously and needlessly sensationalistic.

“What’s wrong?”

A long long time ago

Whatever happened to that “free market capitalism” that the GOP has been screeching about for decades? /s