
i was thinking the irony of most (adult size) bicycles can hold at least 250 lbs. and probably lighter than the hitch.

got to put Cybertuck into Tow Mode to mode it or it voids the warranty. 

Good thing these guys spent weeks plotting the map and making sure there were outlets along every couple of hundres of miles and plenty of working EV chargers

Having the initial money up front is challenging for me. Sure months later I could get reduced taxes, yet it would take years to save up for an electrician to redo my lines and install the charger, then there is the cost of insurance, and interest rates and $80,000 for a [small] truck is absurd. There are houses in my

At times like this it’s good to revisit an old jalopnolik story 

And it you look at what has happened in the last 40 years, the film industry plays out like a movie script. There are different acts different tones, there are slowdowns and high intelligence moments. Hollywood is a reflection of itself.

Sounds like a remake of Kolchak: The Night Stalker.  That was interesting.  Have a feeling Vampire Hunter will be on for a couple of seasons before anyone notices though.

Considering apartments are 60% empty and are still making a profit, don’t think Paramount+ is too worried about losing customers and fewer shows to pay writers and actors.

Julian was never a journalist.  Ted Kaczynski wasn't journalist because the NY Times published the manifesto, and he was more honest than Julian. 

Yes it is manslaughter. They knew the design was faulty, and believed they could fix it with pay-to-play software. And if the airlines didn’t pay for the software Boeing could wipe their hands clean of the blood.  Which they did.

Never took them as being serious. Like Jerry Seinfeld or George Lopez. Sometimes people get all tangled up over a joke.

As long as shareholders and Big Government keep pumping money to Elon; Xitter is doing fine without advertising.

Oh like ‘Super Princess Peach’ game to rescue Mario Bros & Toad. Might be fun.

Not cheeper to maintain.  Cheeper to repair.  Insurance companies are totalling out minor repairs because the cost is too high.

I had to do that with AOL back in the day. Tried and tried cancelling AOL service. Just roadblock after roadblock  huge.  Cancelled fee was as high as the yearly subscription.  My credit card company (Discover) also as a convenience would update the the card for AOL so they continue to change me after the card was

True that was when Star Trek changed from being a show about morals to a show about winning a war at all costs.

When the Odyssey was destroyed how many hundreds of people were killed just to save 4?

Rereading Elons comments again it’s all about “Hey look at me! Don’t pay attention to Tim! I need the spotlight more the Apple!  Guys I'm over here!  Look at me!  Look at me!

Tesla passes videos around the office of EV occupants to laugh, movh and stalk them. It’s much more secure than iPhones.

Disney used to release films back in the theater ever few years. They even did that with VHS tapes. There are some films that were fun taking children to see re- releases remembering being about their age seeing the film in theaters. I think the main argument here is story telling now has gotten worse over the