
Really putting the “con” in “Sneaker Con.”

Give it 2 weeks after it becomes widely available and you'll be able to buy a subscription from 600 different apps. 

Like all AI created “art” it is just off enough to be really unsettling in a bad acid trip kind of way. 

Not even good for criminals - a lot of them have pivoted back to doing their extortion with Amazon gift cards and such, because it’s such a pain in the ass.

Even the crypto bros in the comments are back, everything old is new again.

Well, I really doubt that they would be ok with the use outlined in the previous article. Tinder doesn’t have a public API, and the API he used (if it actually happened) was reverse engineered which I’m sure they would not be happy with.

I’m working on the assumption that he’s trying to depress WB’s stock price in some kind of Hudsucker Proxy-type scheme.

Well... it was an AM station.

Well, it’s a hell of a way to learn that nobody’s listening to your station. :-D

That’s just malware with extra steps.

I remember when Microsoft said that you won’t need to organise your files into folders, you’ll just use their newly improved search to find whatever you’re looking for.

In Jasper it really probably is.

Somewhere in that area there’s a scrap metal yard that is known to not ask questions, I’d wager.

Two things - The pic is of a Cell Tower not AM.

It’s all for drugs. Steal everything you can, take all of the metal (aluminum, steel, copper) to your friendly neighborhood corrupt scrap metal dealer, sell all of the electronics on the black market, and use the money for drugs.  This isn’t a Sherlock Holmes level mystery.

BRB gonna start my new radio station with new equipment I acquired.

Sounds like every teen movie when that one dance number comes on and every rando suddenly becomes a professional dancer for the brief period of time that song is playing.

My quantum seatbelt is already buckled. Also, my quantum seatbelt is NOT... 

Fun fact: this information is in the article.

If Hydro Flask hasn’t used lead in the last 10 years why the hell is Stanley using it now