
Of course it was intentional. He had the VR headset, and he had a separate camera documenting his egregious endangerment of everyone around him.  This deserves just as much justice as the guy who filmed himself crashing his airplane.

Any prolems Marvel may or may not have had up to this point will certainly be gone after Deadpool 3.

“I think Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are about to save the whole Marvel universe.”

“Senator, this is a Wendy’s.

I’m sure he’ll be crying into his pillow tonight after taking his private jet back to his sprawling private Hawaiian island compound or his ultra-luxury super yacht.
Queue the South Park “We’re Sorry, Deeply Sorry” montage.

Did they waive the $8/month fee for the chip recipient, or was this an added upcharge?

I noticed an interesting pattern, whenever a corrupt affluent executive or CEO wants to make themselves look good or apply a smokescreen whenever they’re dealing with drama that has caught the attention of the public, they pull stuff like this in a “See? We’re beneficial to society! Now, ignore us while we try to make

That is, indeed, better than any other political ad I’ve ever seen.

I always liked the OG film! Kyle MacLachlan kicks ass. 

The War Pug rides again!

It’s a trippy and visually stunning film, despite some bad miniature FX here and there. If you’ve never seen it in a theater you owe it to yourself to do so. 

Game developers more than anyone in the tech sector should unionize. This shit has been going on for decades.

Hey, I thought Microsoft owning everything was supposed to be good for everybody!

The movie was fine.

Tenet isn't a very good movie. Great idea, fx, decent performances, horrific sound mix, the protagonist...come on, he didn't even bother to name the protagonist. 

I would rather see any given film by Villeneuve, than sit through Tenet again.

Like I need another device in my pocket.
In few months the company will pivot to a service without hardware, lay off most of staff, and few months down the line it will sell the “assets”.
This could have some tiny chance if it was a watch replacement, but probably battery is a limitation.
And privacy implications are

That is very easy, just make really small production runs.

That doesn’t mean it’s cool. People are gobbling up the cyber truck too 🤷‍♂️

No, it doesn’t