
At the moment, that tomorrow looks like this:

You know, Lucas, I’ve made fun of you, sometimes at great length, for bad prose style before, but I don’t have that to say in response to this.

Every prediction of Twitter’s downfall has been wrong so far, I don’t see what will change now. I don’t understand it, but people seem to like this shit.

It’s been 15 years since the last Indy movie, meaning younger audiences may not know the character

yeah looks like the game's been restored to steam, shame because I wanted to joke about calling it only Down 

The whole game looks like it was made from collected assets. From everything I have seen of it, my eyes are constantly assaulted by the clearly mashed together objects that look like each asset was built by a different person.
There was a good opportunity to make an art collaboration project out of this with consenting

This was always going to be a hold-me-back fight, where they were only pretending to step into the ring because somebody else would prevent them from doing it. 

I know it’s not the writer’s fault, but I can’t help but feel a little irony reading this site shit talk ‘made-for-advertising’ websites as I navigate the see of adds breaking up the very article I’m trying to read...

I guess this is probably entirely a given for anyone living near any national border, but also as someone not from such an area who has driven on a highway for more than a few hours, I’ve seen plenty of signs announcing cities over 150 miles away. Even if you didn’t know El Paso and Juarez are basically the same metro

AI is a great tool when used in moderation. From the sound of things, Paul McCartney and his team had some really crusty recordings of John Lennon doing vocals for a track, and they used AI to erase all the ambient noise and isolate his vocals. That sounds like an excellent application for AI.

Ice spice looks weird. She looks like she had too many skin lightening sessions

Is this what the media thinks is sexy? Cuz I think it’s gross.

I truly hope more of this occurs to Musk’s battered down social media.

Couldn’t happen to a more worthy prick.

Could they simultaneously KO each other and then both succumb to their head injuries? Asking for a friend.

Oh, the irony of talking about how Tesla has defeated CCS in the format war... only to use a photo of a CCS plug for the banner photo.

As others point out, this is how views are always counted. Netflix isn’t counting viewERS, but views. Much like if I come to Gizmodo four times in a day, that’s four pageviews, and pageviews is a different metric than unique visitors.

For the ongoing WGA fight over streaming revenue, the time spent watching would

This is bogus, of course; again, if you rewatched season one of Stranger Things, Netflix is essentially stating you are two separate people.

Why pay $15+ for a movie ticket when you can wait a couple of weeks and just watch it on streaming or on demand? Heck Fast X was released only like 2 weeks after it came out in theatres. Parents know that elemental is going to be on Disney+ by the end of the summer. Why bother going to cinemas? 

It’s the death of the American Dream. The majority of people in the world and America now realize they will never own a home or be able to afford to retire, where the thought of even having a family is out of the question. Raises used to allow people to afford homes and provide well for their family. Now many raises

Yeah. It’s better to know the fees up front, but it does nothing to address the fact that they’re able to charge whatever the fuck they want because they have a monopoly.