
My thoughts exactly.

The fact that you can make a serviceable Christian sermon that people will accept from what is basically a glorified sentence-creation machine does not speak highly of Christianity.

OH man, I remember in ye olde days when Giz LOVED him. Reminder: Classified documents being mishandled is a big deal. 

Those are some very specific, very plain steps. I could see this applying to certain commercial/office settings, but in homes...

People got all sorts of staircases, and few of them are simple uniform blocks.

Robot sees this monster of a staircase and retreats humbly under a couch.

$3500 for 2 hours of use with the external battery brick.

Oh, I’m sure Apple’s accounted for that and gives you an awesome shared movie experience – you just need to drop $3500 for each member of the family.

It’s been a long while since I’ve dealth with any of this so I could be very wrong...

Professor, what’s another word for pirate treasure?”

Oh, he’s being accused of the thing he has been doing in the open for years?  Ok.

He’s been in China, Twitter is blocked....seems like someone is stopping him from tweeting.

He’s busy talking about how hilarious he is. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/theyre-not-funny-elon-musk-says-a-lot-of-people-on-the-left-have-no-sense-of-humor/

I can’t say I’m too sad about that. I don’t know why they keep trying to make Blade Runner spin-offs a thing - it was never more than a cult classic with an aesthetic that became popular in the cyber-punk genre, and every attempt to turn it into a very profitable project has failed.

Blade Stalled

New TikTok challenge just dropped

I’m not generally in favor of further increasing the military might of the Empire, but if Space Force has to exist anyway, the only thing it should be doing is building Gundams. I’m pretty sure we’re driving over the cliff of extinction fairly soon, and if we’re headed that way anyway, I think it would be nice if we

“organizing, training, and equipping Guardians to conduct global space operations that enhance the way our joint and coalition forces fight, while also offering decision makers military options to achieve national objectives.”

What on earth does that even mean???? Organizing what? Training for and with what? To do

One of his many many huge amazing accomplishments.

Is his yacht still docked at the island? If no, then he’s probably hiding on it somewhere.