
There isn’t a long term plan. The only plan Republicans have ever had is to acquire the most cash and power to hurt people they disagree with. That’s it. They just want to be seen as powerful and to enjoy the benefits power and money bring. They’re basically evil parrots, saying anything at all so long as it gets them

What’s happening in that picture? Why’s that little girl traveling alone, and why is that old guy unzipping (zipping?) his pants?

Well then, Kathleen Kennedy, stop micromanaging, and let those who know and like star wars take creative control. You’ll have two jobs, sit back while the money rolls in, and keep Disney executives who fancy themselves filmmakers the heck away. As long as those two jobs are done, I have no doubt star wars will take

I thought that was just unclear writing in the sub-header, but the article makes it seem like that’s actually the case. I don’t see at all how that would work though. TVs are pretty inexpensive nowadays, but I really don’t see how these can be made cheaply enough to make any sort of profit off of ads. I could go get

Well, either (1) people will hang a towel over the screen or (2) advertisers will come up with adds that are more fun to watch than the programing.

I'm confused. Are the TVs gonna be free?!?

I remember being six years old and watching the Enterprise-D crash land at the movie theater. I absolutely loved TNG and felt that loss. Seeing the ship come alive again last week was absolutely stunning—one of my favorite TV moments of the last few years. It made me feel like I was six again.

Such fucking bullshit. Just a total confirmation how people with money can stall punishment for so long.

I’m trying not to go all grumpy old man, but I hate the Bay designs and hope the new animated movie will go away from the (IMO) messy design those had.

Guess we have to hope Smartmatic wants to drag Fox “News” through the coals.

This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.

This is incredibly disappointing. Everyone involved is spineless. So upsetting.

Their only option to settle should be bankruptcy and shutting the fuck down.  Dont give them an out.

I get the feeling that no Fox viewer will even be aware of the trial and on the off chance they hear about it they’ll just chalk it up to some George Soros-led conspiracy.

Good catch, I didn’t notice that either.  But I would expect something being in a competition like this would be vetted a bit better and that, when paying attention, is pretty easy to see. 

No one noticed that the hand on shoulder (photo-right) appears to be from a third person, given the thumb orientation?

It’s a shame. At it’s best twitter was a great resource for following live events like sports or elections, making friends and sharing goofy jokes from funny people

Sadly, this will probably go nowhere in the US, but I imagine some EU countries calculating how many billions (one can hope) in fines they’re about to drop on Tesla.