
no wonder Tesla thrives in China

In other news, the sky is blue. Of course they have. 

Weird. If only there was some sort of way we could have all known this company was run by a bunch of giant douchebags.

Im not a fan of Musk, at all, but my first thought is that with that many satellites, a certain number of failures are expected. And with them launched in batches, a whole batch experiencing an issue is also not unexpected, and so far only one deorbit. Its far from the first satellite to fail to reach its intended

For these types the lesson they’ll learn is that getting shot really elevates your exposure level.

Counterpoint: if more people carried guns, there would be fewer prank Youtubers. 

Hey, that looks like my local mall—oh shit, it is!

There’s “slow boil,” but there is also spending 6 hours of 5 or 6 completely different unrelated storylines (heck the pre-Hobbits never link up to anybody else in the end, did they?). And I’m not even sure some of the storylines developed beyond pushing pieces around on a board. (Though the plot of why the orcs were

Defamation suits like this hang on the thin thread of proving that one side had “actual malice” in its speech, meaning it acted knowing the information was false or acting with reckless disregard to a statement’s truth.

it acted knowing the information was false or acting with reckless disregard to a statement’s truth. It’s an incredibly hard burden of proof for plaintiffs in defamation cases”

Ordinarily.  Here, there are internal documents showing conclusively that everyone at Fox News knew perfectly goddamn well they were lying.

To me, all of this break up talk is dumb.  Ads suck, but selling their ad business to someone else won’t change the landscape.  It will just change who is serving the ads.  The big guys will still find a way to get your data.

Github should have replied to Twitter with a poop emoji.

They didn’t “go up against Florida”. They released a bare minimum statement that disaproved a discriminatory law, after weeks of protest by their own employees.

A bit like stepping on a Lego. It hurts a bit but you’ll forget about it in a day or 2.

I bet I can predict how this will all fall out. She’s release her side of the story- press releases, in civil court, maybe some tell-all piece... and people in the press will engage in the necessary hand-wringing to gin up some extra clicks. Pearls will be clutched, gasps will be heard.. and nobody ultimately will

Is it still one car-width only?  No room for emergency vehicles in any kind of incident?

claiming it seeks to “crush liberal dominance” in Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

useful? how exactly is this more useful than a proper subway?

You might want to send someone walking ahead with a lantern, too. Can’t be too careful.

It was a poorly thought out project to begin with. Living in California I know there are places that the Boring company could do good work. We have tons of routes/roads that go around mountains, one well placed bore hole could shave hours off many a Californian’s drive time.