
Yeah, this really feels like a fad. I have met people who feel like this is revolutionary and is going to change art as we know it...but I don’t believe it.

It’s not “doing” art in any style. It’s just hashing out images and styles that have been fed into it. There is no sensibility involved. It’s not “inspired” by anything. It’s not thinking about the choices it’s making, because there is no choosing involved. If you think there’s any sort of deliberation going on,

As long as corporations control the narratives that benefit them, not any time soon.

At what point does it become obvious that “AI” is neither sentient nor intelligent, but just a plagiarism engine scraping content off the walls of the Internet? 

Pitch Black 2000

Another Pitch Black film is just ridic

He could play a new Tracy villain, “The Squatter”.

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we’ve got

No one particularly cared about the character when the movie came out over 30 years ago. I can’t see how that’s changed at all.


Since this one was smaller, I assume it was the orphaned baby balloon looking for its mother.

I wonder how much of their intended market is very wealthy people that have home theaters as every McMansion and up seems to have one. I’m guessing they’d sell more to that market than actual public-going theaters.

So a big living room?

Breathes a sigh of relief... or maybe he’s just deflating...

Was bound to finally happen eventually....

It’s a shame that these people have some of the best healthcare packages you can get and they’re not even bothering to get the mental health help they need.

So the big “accidental” balloon fleet is next, right?

This is a mostly US website. I’m not concerned about the US spying on China, I’m concerned about China spying on the US. It’s okay to pick sides.

It is the American way

LOL. They used a premier fighter jet to knock out the slowest moving object in the sky.