
Nonsense... I forget to charge my tripod every time I use it.

Yeah - the lead photo is from Shutterstock.

Your lead photo suggests a blimp but the last photo from the NBC source looks like a standard weather balloon.

Will it be walked back before tomorrow night, like many of these out of nowhere things?

It was about his personal plane tracker bot.

Damn... Inflation so bad, even “Free” Speech is getting too expensive!

So, what’s his origin? Sexual intercourse?

Am I the only one who misses the Michael Gough Alfred who didn’t kick as much ass as Batman, he was just a wise old father figure?

I am also doing autonomous driving better than Tesla, not a single accident for any car I’ve produced.

Whoa there, Partner. How about you just focus ALL of yourself on getting the show right. Then, maybe, you can talk about future project. 

It reminds me of an old axiom in Russian (that unfortunately doesn’t make sense when you translate it). In the Soviet days, there were two newspapers - Izvestiya (“News”) and Pravda (“Truth”). It basically said “there is no truth in ‘Truth’ and no news in ‘News.’”

Now I’ve been travelin’ all around
I heard trouble’s come to your town
I’ve got a little somethin’
Guaranteed to ease your mind
It’s call snake oil y’all
It’s been around for a long, long time

This is the second article I’ve seen with a comment intended for a completely different article (one even on a different sister site).  Kinja killing it as usual!

Might work. He’d only need 3,000,000 people willing to pony up $1,000 each for a membership. Piece of cake.

Because doing so would be admitting that he failed and has to bail himself out. An absolute no-sell for narcissists.

Why doesn’t he write a persional check? He has the money.

Why does he think freedom of speech isn’t worth the price?

I bet Musk has been begging him to come back privately even after begging him to come back publicly. The sheer amount of site engagement from him coming back to Twitter - including from people aggressively quote-tweeting everything he says to dunk on him - is tempting.

Trump may own 90% of TMTG’s shares, but I’d bet anything you care to name that he doesn’t have any of his own money in it. Not only does he not care what happens to it, he would be over the moon if it died after he left. That would just confirm to him how important he is and there is NOTHING on this earth he likes