
Maybe those apps also acknowledge the existence of same-sex attraction and trans people? That seems like it would trigger some right wing users.

“Woke” is just another version of the right wing “PC” griping b/c they feel they should be allowed to be the biggest assholes to people without consequences. There’s no such thing as “woke.” There are people who believe in treating others with respect and dignity, and then there are conservatives.  

When you watch Fox News, listen to daily right wing propaganda on the radio, and follow the accounts of a bunch of right wing influencers, it skews your perspective so that pretty soon, anything not rabidly conservative is “woke”.

Reviews have complained there is a general lack of women using it.”

Update:  hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Tesla uses the fact that they have a disclaimer right on the order page for FSD, in a surprisingly legible font, telling you the car can’t really drive itself as a defense, saying no reasonable person could make the mistake of thinking it could actually do what it says. But obviously, they wouldn’t use the name if

I don’t understand how this doesn’t fall under false advertising. It simply isn’t fully self-driving. It’s just a falsehood to claim it is.

Unfortunately, technology is always way ahead of the rules governing it, which are mainly reactive.

Finally, fuck.

It is actually really important to me that as a society we get to the point where this type of thing starts moving forward before the products are even available. It almost feels like the “right to scam people” is legitimately a thing here.

Gee, and only about five years too late...

That person posts on every Elon Musk article. I’m pretty sure he’s unemployed.

6 days

Look, all Tesla needs to do is declare that it’s going to work hard-core, where employees merely have to work 80/hr weeks with no extra pay. This clearly fixed the problem of “too many employees” at Musk’s Twitter.

How soon before true believer in the unregulated free market, Elon Musk, has lobbyists begging Washington DC folks for a Tesla bail-out?

I’m foolish. He can put me in charge.

Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?

There is a pattern of that at Warner/DC.  Knee jerk reactions.

Users are proving so far that if you want a problem changed on Twitter, make sure Elon gets first hand experience of what it is like to have that problem. 

Billionaires don’t count as humans, animals, or forms of life in general so there is no way they are self aware. I doubt most would even pass a Turing Test.

just wished they weren't terrible movies. The first WW was good for 5/8ths, and became a garbage movie. The second film… was not for me, or people who like comedy, or quality, and also not good.