
Makes me wonder what the internet will look like.  A lot of websites only survive because of this kind of ad revenue.  Going to be interesting

if only there were some sort of hint in the article as to what devices this will work on. shame though, we’d only know that if we read the article we’re responding to.

Black Adam is in theaters and is currently available to stream on .

Black Adam is in theaters and is currently available to stream on .

The perils of taking a minor villain and spending WAY too much on the budget for your return.

I like that after Trump pretty much every internet dingleberry thinks that someone with a digital megaphone is somehow playing 4D chess and not just making it up as they go along.

Prime is getting stupid expensive. If you don’t use the ancillary things like video and music, it’s not worth much at all. You can get free shipping if you spend $25 on almost everything. Then you get 24 hours of free shipping after an order most times. 

me too. saw the ads on local over the air TV here in Canada and thought “that is too strange for anyone’s taste, and most definitely not cool strange just bland strange.”

I saw it advertised on specialty cable channels in Canada (i.e., Food Network, etc.) and nothing about the ads grabbed me and even made me think I should watch it on Disney+ in six weeks.

My attitude is ‘I’ll probably watch this but Hey I’m paying for Disney+ so I can just see this in a couple of weeks at home, no need to drive over the Movie Theater and pay 15+bucks for a movie ticket.’

Cue a round of finger-wagging from politicians, maybe some Congressional testimony, until the next round of campaign donation checks clear.  

Really, tho, so what?  At the point where someone’s a multi-billionaire (at least on paper), if they lose a few billion and remain a billionaire, they’re not going to suffer for anything.  Let me know once he’s destitute, but something tells me people in his position never reach that point regardless of anything they

I think the Weird Nerds are now spending all their time being Reply Guys on twitter.

In an email, a Meta spokesperson told Gizmodo that businesses sending that sort of info through business tools is against their policy

That’s what I wanted to see in the article. Must’ve been super duper hard to find that photo, I bet.

Banana for scale:

I’m shocked. Just shocked to hear this.

Well ‘Anonymous Data’ is largely a lie to get you to freely give up your data regardless of platform. It takes a surprisingly small amount of data to identify a person these days. And that’s before you get to things like this.

I think it’s pretty simple. The Snyder films are solely for his weird cult of followers. Take him away from the franchise that has had basically zero appeal besides his attachment to it and it becomes films for nobody.