
Of course, but there were articles written about this photo a while back (this is an old story), and it said that normally the US lowers the resolution to cover up just how good their satellite technology is. And while every other country knows that, they didn’t know by how much until now.

This is not a good thing for

where does this weird believe come from musk is somehow genius mastermind and planned all of this?

he had brought Tesla engineers over to Twitter so they could evaluate Twitter’s engineering staff”

What difference does it make? Everything he says is 100% bullshit.

Also particularly stupid of them to pick an analogy to a sport that literally has judges.

Yeah, this rule seems like it was designed exclusively to protect their bottom line and shield them from criticism (and potential regulation) from right wing wingnuts (and Trump himself) whining about “liberal social media” (there’s no such thing, morons).

Like every Pyramid Scheme - only a small select group of people at the top actually make money, while all the retail investors prop them up with all the hard-earned money they lose. 

I read that headline as if someone was shipping a pile of super old Schwinns to Egypt to make a point.

“SpaceX CEO Launders Gov’t Funding through Twitter”

Once everyone is fired, profit will become infinite!

time for more layoffs, profit is only 8% higher than last year

Completely boggles the mind and shows how completely and utterly stock valuation is divourced from any sort of reality.

Nearly my entire feed this week has been get out and vote. I don’t really pay attention to the hashtags though.

Ugh, I am so exhausted of the rich.

I thought I was reading The Onion at first ...

Why not do something slightly less insane, like opening a portal to hell or buying twitter?

Because normal, rational, compassionate people don’t get involved in politics, and on the odd chance they do they get chased out by death threats and hatred.

That’s a thin majority, and there are already demonstrations over the legitimacy of the election in Brazil.

Trump was voted out of office, and we’re still feeling the effects of him and his presidency. Bolsonaro’s cut from the same cloth, and that election result was (like Biden/Trump’s) way too close to be a complete repudiation of the man and his tactics. He may no longer be in office, but I’m betting it’s not the last of