
Users of the social media platform are bracing for sweeping changes to the platform...

This movie might be great - I can’t wait to see it.

It’s easy content really: just copy & paste tweets from hyperventilating sycophants, buzzing from getting early access to a Big Movie, and sit back for misanthropic ássholes like myself to drive up “engagement” as we crib about the lazy publication, and obvious pitfalls of quoting hyped sources. Modern Media. It’s

Here we go again:

Yeah but how is the mustache?

I thought going to crazy lengths to keep secrets like this died with J.J Abrams’s credibility.

“How Black Adam managed to not keep its cameo a secret.”

I have nothing of value to add but this is the loudest I’ve laughed at the title of a genuine article.

so the bot problem he wanted to buy it to fix and weasel out of because it was bigger than he expect isn’t such a big deal if he doesn’t need a lot of staff to fix it?

I guess the UK was like hold my beer after seeing Trump and the classified doc an Jan 6th stuff. 

Only three more crises to go until Christmas!

We have had all electric HGV’s manufactured by DAF in the UK for half a year already. Announced in 2018, went on sale in 2020 first ones delivered Mar 2022.

This is true.

I notice that he didn’t say Dec 1st of which year.

So Musk would rather pay $44 billion than speak under oath in court.
I can’t imagine what he wants to keep secret at that price, unless its something stupid to protect his fragile ego.

Everyone here realizes that the phone carrier is tracking everywhere your device goes to hand it off to the feds and use it however they want, right? Does not matter whether you rock an iPhone, Android, or showing your aging nerdy goodness with a Windows Phone - there is no way to opt out of it, short of just not

As someone who was recently thinking about getting a VR headset this post couldn’t have come at a bet-

So he’s been cornered and doesn’t want to take the “L” of a court loss. Can’t blame him for not wanting to waste more time if he’s almost certainly going to lose.

We’ll see what he says tomorrow.

More like he can see the writing on the wall and doesn’t have a chance of winning his court case.  And he doesn’t want to be raked over the coals in deposition.