
Happy Elon Musk Day.

It’s expected. The louder the screaming the more indoctroned they are.

Might as well produce 2 films for every Star Trek series and divide them into 12 minutes segments to stream.  

That was a fascinating read. Hadn’t thought of looking it up, but it explains why I sometimes get anxiety from those headphones. My brain is trying to listen to sounds that are being blocked.

Anything for views.

Reminded me of a former employer that used to o software updates at 6pm. Until they were informed many of us didnt clickbout at 5. So then they changed it to updates at 11pm.  Perhaps Tesla can run the updates when the owners are parked in bed for the night, or at least when the car is changing.

Aww brings back the memories when gizmondo bought the lost iPhone 4 prototype in 2010 which caused Apple to develop the Lost iPhone app in the first place.

Oh I am so looking forward to another ad-lib Star Wars film. Like the not sure who Rey lineage was changing with each movie. Obi-Wan’s granddaughter, to daughter of two drunks, to granddaughter of Palpatine. Really excited to all the plot twists in the next film.  👍🏽

One is the Media’s God the other the Media's Messiah. They swap places hourly.

What an Ego.  Elon is trying to steal the limelight from Eclipse.  He'll probably name it Totality.  It's will be over promised. 12 years delayed and underperform when it launches.  But it will remembered for when it was a first shown to the world.

Looks go on paper, I can see ticket sellers carving out sections and only Ticket Master selling perfered seats. Otherwise they risk sending the same tickets to multiple people. But yeah, don’t think this bill will ever see a discussion.  Lobbiests are too powerful.

Stock market has become the worlds largest legal Ponzi scheme.  Ignorance is bliss.

And Veep is out of the question.

I know these people were hired to act, but it used to be the spokesman spokeswoman actually used the product they were endorsing. The scams style sounds a lot like FOX News. Trust us we don't do what we’re doing.

Can’t believe California or even the Federal Government is allowing this to carry on so long. It’s fraud in epic proportion. Even if California Forever gets everything they want there's no way it will ever be what they promised.  It's just another billionaire scam.

Its amazing how some people know so much about creating fraud and getting away with it and are ignorant being a human.  But I guess if they were human they wouldn't be so rich.

I can see AI being a consultant, verification of medication to make sure they don't negatively effect other medications.  But no way are we near to let AI make life decisions.  Even ChatGPT gives bad advice time to time.

Google Find device is awesome. If you’re out and leave your phone someplace and you try to use your friends phone to locate, Google will send a verification code to your phone. Very helpful.

I was speaking metaphorically. Elon, might be following the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. Alphas loves to split hairs.