
Would it be alright if Elon didn't sell to the Russians but took bribes?  You know like cutting off Starlink to Ukraine when they launched an attack on Russia?  No invoice was sent so it wasn't illegal.  Or did Elon give the Russians free Starlinks?

[would have been a PR disaster for OpenAI, and would have spilled a bevy of corporate secrets into view.]

Bren seeing comments all over the Internet, downfall of Boeing started with with McDonnell Douglas.  John Oliver has more of an audience then us commoners.  

Who will know if the guy ever fulfilled his promises?  Yeah but it's weird he got so scared of public radio.

Super NES and NES 64 also had a lousy launches.

Now I know where K-Dramas got their product placements from.

Damn that was good.

The timing was incredible.

But does it sound better than a cookie?

So it would be the opposite of happy hour. High prices most of the day then lower prices say 10am - 11am, 2pm-4pm, 9pm till close.  Screw it just go with stock market pricing.

Basically Sam Altman is saying “the only way NY Times knows we used their information is because they hacked ChatGPT and looked at the source (code). And that is illegal."

Apple TV was not a television set just as Apple Car was not a vehicle.

Its cute Elon is trying to appear humble. If only someone at Tesla, Boring, brainchip, spacex, hypertube, ect that knew anything about computers to help out her boss.

Elon could use Linux, or Chromebook then he wouldn’t have to have a Microsoft account.

To their defense AT&T has never understood why individuals want a phone. Government and corporate employees make sense to them. The reason why Iowa has 60 plus phone companies.  There is no need to give individuals any good will.

I'd put Google way near the top.  At least with Apple they have a customer service group.  If I have issues with Apple I can go to the store.  Google doesn't want to know their customers.

Sony only made one model of Sony Ericsson Xperia Pureness X5 Mobile Phone.  It just wasn't practical.  But really cool looking.

And to think he was done when Vin refused to be in 2 Fast 2 Furious.

How about Chinese Africans? Or a female Latino Polynesian Malcolm X?

In Google news feed I get the same story posted multiple times by different sites. It’s the algorithm that believes I read one story I want to be a professional on that one subject.