
Free Speech has gotten very expensive.

When Avatar was released in December 2009, it felt like FOX paid the other studios not to release anything for months that didn’t have Sam Worthington staring. Looks like it’s repeating.

And after all this publicity Google still refuses to restore Mark’s account.

All publicity is good publicity.

Donald has changed the definition of many words to suit himself.

Its the same problem the streaming radios had....less content i order to save money, means less audiences will tune in, because their is less content.

“Russia, if you’re reading — I hope you are able to return the 30,000 files that are missing.”

I do like your thinking.

Aren’t most airlines tickets non-refundable?

We'd all be happier if they were more honest.

How is it the republicans are giving this import so many special administrations? People born in the USA don’t get os many hand-out and rule changes as this guy.

Michelle Yeoh is way under rated. She definitely could take on several Klingons at once.

Thr irony of it is; Elon loves to tweet even if most of his followers are bots.

The Texas market is so large — second only to California’s — and its natural gas industry is so predominant that when things go wrong there, the impacts can be felt across the country.

Texas has seen a boom in population as well as aging for-profit power grid that refuses to be updated. Now throw in Mother Nature and Acts of God. And somehow Greg Abbott will still blaim Joe Biden, yet we who don’t live in Texas will be paying more in our energy costs to help out poor ERCOT to continue operations as

Really good Canoo is that far along, but I still believe 2025 their first consumer vehicle will be on the road.  That's only if someone doesn't taken them over before then.

Reality as decided on by majority rule. Based off wikipedia’s ‘majority rule’ fact. Featured on The Colbert Report July 31, 2006.

Perhaps you missed the Gizmodo article.

Twitter’s people need to tell Elon, You’ll have the whole company and all the data After the you finish with the purchase. Right now Elon is supposedly requiring company escrets and trove of data for a i.o.u. of $1 billion.

Sounds like more stock manipulation. Elon trying to tank Tesla stock to pump it at a later date. Surprised TMZ doesn’t have photos of Elon Musk and Cathie Wood together yet.