
Disney also owns a number of hotels, like in Hawaii, and several cruise ships (plus a private island) let alone all the networks/production studios (Lucas Films & Fox studios in Australia) they own all over the globe. There tried a few smaller parks like DisneyQuest in Chicago.  All this means if an employee wants to

Don't worry sean hannity is already blaming President Biden on being more concerned with rising oil prices instead of rising temperature.

Joe didn’t want to run previously. He wants a woman President that why he refused to run against Hillary now he wants Kamala to be his replacement.  She won't win against Full-of-Hate Greg.  It don't take billions in pretend money to see that.  For claiming never to vote Republican before Elon sure has gone full

And people who have cable and satellite boxes that when they turn off the TV the box is still running. Doubtful the provider is concerned if the video isn’t being shown as long as they can add it to total viewship.

Forgot about those.

🎼Workin’ 6 to 5, what a way to make a livin’

No terrible deed goes without being rewarded.

Its really cool.  Really want one.  But after being burned a fewtime on Indiegogo and one of them being in Hong Kong Dollars, I’ll wait for it to hit the market.

Agreed, jar jar Abrams has a specialty in ruining popular brands.  He needs to attach himself to a horrible brand and with his luck turn it into gold.  You know like the Geico Caveman.

It’s part of Freedom of Speach.  Be thankful you don't get banned.

Does this all fall under Freedom of Speach? Because obviously someone had to write it.

Twitter has terminated hundreds of thousands of state-sponsored accounts promoting misinformation. From accounts of Chinese, Russian and Turkish governments in 12, 2020. It’s not just bots, but also paid government officials that Twitter has to worry about, unless that fall under Freedom of Speach.

They still back Donald Trump.  They like to be fooled.

Yeah I still have it in a box somewhere.  Didn't get rid of it because of the memories.

These Rino Snowflakes melt anytime they get their feelings hurt. Must waste the Government money whenever they feel offended, because there's nothing better to do than pass more regulations.

It was Donald’s second ban. The first ban of President Trump’s Twitter Account Suspended For 11 Minutes on November 2, 2017. Boy, did he learn his lesson then.

I still have my Red iPid nano.  Great little music player.  I too choose it because of the AIDS charity.  Really was well made and still not a scratch on that aluminum painted body.

I was attempting to put a positive spin on Elon's entrepreneurship.

SpaceX was created to offset the environment impact of Tesla.

SpaceX was created to offset the environment impact of Tesla.