I'm not comparing the two cars in anything but the initial purchase price. If I said you could buy an iPad for the same price as a blender, I'm not insinuating that an iPad can dice carrots.
This is so weird. You put these out like...what? Weekly? I have never seen multiple posters complaining about "comparing" cars this way on any of your other posts of this type. Maybe a flood of newbies? Good news for you! More readers.
The only comparison I'm making between the Focus and Porsche is the purchase price.
On what planet did I say they served the same purpose?
I think I am very fair to the F-35 and what it brings to the table. Those who work on the program are patriots and are doing their best, the leadership in the DoD Industry and Congress who were bought and sold this terrible concept under totally unworkable time tables and budgets are who is to blame.
Add to that that the firing code for it's guns is still 2 years away from being finished. If the f-35 sees and enemy in the sky, the pilot opens the cockpit canopy and throws the bomb at them or takes out his sidearm and shoots manually.
Diamond bullets.
Does it get more nineties than a 1995 Mercedes S500? 5 litres of V8 wafty goodness....160k miles might be a bit on the high side, but these cars are pretty tanklike.
so breathing sand is no good for your wallet. Thanks for the proof that confirms my theory!
Sent to us by the lovely Andy White over at Simply Abu Dhabi and made by German company Selected Jewels, and so far only made for keys belonging to your relatively pedestrian Mercedes-Benz, it starts by replacing the standard plastic with a solid gold inset. Or platinum, if you're being truly obscene. Then, just for…
Diamond encrusted bullets. Please shoot me and I'll sell the diamonds... if I live :P
That looks painful to shoot....
Which part of "with similar credit histories" was confusing?
The point you're over-looking, I think most Americans do is that US and Pakistan worked together to kick out the Soviets and has been an ally since long. American money and Pakistani resources, mostly through human capital used against the soviets. But then the Americans left and Pakistan had to control these militias…