
Some differnece in preference for it is probably due to early TV ASICs doing it horribly wrong, while they’ve gotten much better.

Oh definitely. Often they turn the sharpness setting up to 11 and that introduces ugly halos around objects which may look good in a bright store but not at home. And I like the colour setting just a bit more punchy than neutral, not enough to make live action look like an anime. 

Counterpoint: I want colours to punch me in the nose in the way reality doesn’t.

Certain things I’ll tamp down on, like I can’t stand when flesh tones get out of whack and blown up, but generally inaccuracy on my TV somehow doesn’t bother me even though I prefer very accurate computer screens and phone screens. TV is

Even the DS4? The DS3 was horrible and not made for human hands, but the DS4 is about right, I put it equal to my 360 controllers now.

What were the nearly impossible terms?

Are they still? I got two more after my first broke because they’re on for 3 bucks now (it was 15 shipped to Canada, 7 each still isn’t bad), still great and shockingly wide open, but pretty sylibant as well. Wondering if these are outmoded as the cheap best.

I can’t tell if 90% of these comments are either, lol.

Of all the comments, this is the most worthy of this gif

It took me three months to be able to put 30 hours into Bloodborne, and I’m probably less than halfway to the end. An infinite game with no endgoal, I think past me, college me, would have liked it, but ain’t nobody got time fo dat, trying to focus on fewer games with definitive ends.

That looks nice. Sporty while being mature enough to avoid boy racer-eyness.

Don’t lie, this is what you really see

Glad someone else remembered that after this headline, lol

Pretty sure you’re wrong

So about a half gram J, Jason?

That top picture of Russia looks straight out of Bloodborne....Which maybe means Bloodborne is straight out of Russia.

I think everyone who visits loses a good 15-20 pounds if you stay for a while. Even eating buttloads of food every meal as you’re probably forced to.

Dorco/DSC seemed pretty low quality to me. Lots of drag and painful tug in the 6/7 at least.

Doesn’t seem like much if you calculate the historical impact of the British Raj and how much their early economy was propped up from it.

My parents always chopped off the ends, put some salt on them, rubbed the chopped bits on each side, and then peeled them. I didn’t think that would have done anything, but reading this, that seems like a sound strategy as the salt would also absorb some of that cucumber stuff.