I think it’s because they look like Dreamworks cutesy eyes, like Puss In Boots. I also have trouble taking him seriously because his smokey head makes him look like a steam engine.
I think it’s because they look like Dreamworks cutesy eyes, like Puss In Boots. I also have trouble taking him seriously because his smokey head makes him look like a steam engine.
Something about the eyes just prevents me from taking smoky goth Megamind seriously.
I openly admit to being out of the loop on slang, but wtf does what you said mean? What’s a groyper? Or a milkshake duck? What is mogging and how does one do it?
Our ability to continue as a going concern will depend on our ability to obtain additional capital.
It’s a homage to Master Chief’s helmet.
Consumer vehicles are becoming more and more like smartphones on wheels. It only makes sense that in the next 20 years, we’ll see at least one large tech conglomerate - Sony, Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung - will attempt launch their own transportation device of some kind. Key word being “attempt” - and if successful,…
I would really love a “What’s happened in Destiny 2 since launch” as a lore primer. The game does an awful job of getting lapsed players back up to speed and if I don’t know what’s going on, I only experience the most minimal curiosity and desire to return.
Why should a term that accurately portrays something die?
“May the peace of the Lord be with you, and your spirit.”
Came here to say this, too. Jezebel is once again talking out of both sides of their mouth. You don’t get to claim to support Britney, and then go back to the same gossip and trash-talk that is literally the poison running through her entire life. Do better.
Thank you for this. I’m in consistently unimpressed with just how tasteless and awful Dirt bag posts can be, especially on such matters. This shit is especially awful.
I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has…
It looks weird enough that I actually kinda like it.
In spite of what is covered, Nio’s future looks pretty decent and it has just as much a chance as Xpeng to succeed. Nio has the benefit of being a bit more affordable and has the opportunity to be profitable long term.
You can see from the rear shot that it has manufacturer’s plates. So it’s a test vehicle they have at their NA HQ.
We haven’t talked all that much about the NIO ES6 here on Jalopnik, mainly because it’s a product from a startup that isn’t going to be available in the United States and because the company itself has always seemed on the brink of disaster.
1st: Please please please please be real and not vaporware because this is awesome.
Honestly, I’d be into a 150 HP version.
This is what I picture the future roadways filled with when we move to autonomous cars. Big boring utilitarian living room appliances on wheels. At least accidents, road rage, and congestion will be thing of the past.