
I wonder if this would help Macbooks not become warm wind tunnels in a few minutes in Photos?

USB 2 has a theoretical rate of 480Mb/s, which in the real world ends up being around 45MB (big B) per second. Most N wifi won’t come near saturating that real world, it can advertise say 450MB/s, but 40 feet away up a floor you may be getting 120... So in that case AC could be worth it.

USB 2 has a theoretical rate of 480Mb/s, which in the real world ends up being around 45MB (big B) per second. Most

To me, Quinoa is a rice replacement, not a wheat replacement. Can’t really replace rice with wheat. Even white rice is enhanced with vitamins and minerals, sure, but it’s mostly carb by composition, whereas quinoa has a near perfect blend of all the amino acids, and some carb too.

Now playing

*Indian newspapers. Most of the Air Forces on both sides were mutually congratulatory, while newspapers ran with nationalism. Not like other air forces don’t talk about results either -

Those same British newspapers got really upset when Indian newspapers reported Indias SU-30MKIs beat the Eurofighters 9-1 or something like that.

Psst, Trudeau, since you hate the F35 can we please get some Rafales?

Paragon? Renegade all the way, baby.

Ok. I understood some of those words. I was asking sincerely by the way :P

Check China off the needed world players in one region for one big world ending clusterfuck party checklist, then.

Yeah, India is definitely hedging to the West, but so far trying to maintain good relations with both sides.

And then the missile bay doors close and the chain linking an offensive missile to it is broken...Stealth doesn’t have to mean invisible 100% of the time, it just has to break the chain of an enemy firing a missile and the missile finding it.

That’s why you slather it in gravy and/or cranberry sauce though!

“Even” India is a bit of a 90s thing to say. Worlds 9th largest economy, worlds 4th most powerful military in total. High bar for the “even” qualifier when they could steamroll all but 3 countries discounting coalitions.

Always blows my mind that that’s also an economically Canada-sized nation.

When we invent MAC cannons, it’s all over, man. 3,000-ton slug at four-hundredths, or 4% of the speed of light, around 12,000 kilometers per second.

So the opposite of an onion - those are all the same layer!

It always tickles me that Russia projects all this influence - with a Canada sized economy. And one in far worse shape for recovery.

How would it have approached from the rear given the seconds the Su-24 would have been in Turkish airspace given this map?

I don’t like joysticks much either. The resolution of the movement is such that a really small change on them won’t activate them at all, so instead of moving a bit you don’t move. Then you apply more force and may shoot past where you were aiming. I think my problem is getting used to counting on aim assist and

The interior controls all look very...Angularized civilian.