India has a fair amount of French jets too. New Rafales, but also older Mirage’s.
I really don’t see why India would jump in at this point though. Not big on the international policing. Not yet.
India has a fair amount of French jets too. New Rafales, but also older Mirage’s.
I really don’t see why India would jump in at this point though. Not big on the international policing. Not yet.
It’s economy is about Canada sized, to put it’s place in perspective.
Ooh. What’s the best slim/flush adaptor to go with those to not jut out of a Macbook Pro retina/MBA?
Ooh. What’s the best slim/flush adaptor to go with those to not jut out of a Macbook Pro retina/MBA?
One of the most ridiculously well fleshed out game libraries among consoles. It helps that it’s still getting a few new AAA titles 10 years after launch. The games are visually downgraded, of course, but that they can even be made to /run/ on hardware around the Pentium 4/X1850 pro era is remarkable.
It also helps…
So if I’m not wrong, did the progress of technology pretty much go
“Radar angles suck”
“Let’s put them on mechanically moving things”
“Mechanical is slow...”
“Let’s make it electronic so stuff doesn’t need to wait to move!”
“The range of this electric thing sucks!”
“Let’s put it on a mechanical…
If you want to get all scientific...
Oh gosh, this was five years ago. I may have? I’ve done lots of tech support Macguivering, so it doesn’t sound unlike me :P
Within, meaning inside of the international 12 mile coast limit, which could also be over them. Basically a denial of their claim.
If the US built artificial islands on legally international water, shit yes China could fly there. Your analogy sucks.
Not at all. If the US built islands in legally international water and tried to deny China flying there just because, THEN it would be like this.
Free to play: We hate F2P
Not free to play: Why isn’t it free to play?
Sikhs are...Islamic at their roots? Uh, What? A large part of their origin was fighting /against/ islamic forced conversion in India. Their roots are closer to Hinduism.
You’re probably thinking Jain? Sikhs have a warrior tradition.
That’s the airframe price today - the SE has no order list as of right now, while the F35s costs are decreasing as production ramps up. Then all future development and upgrades will also be geared to the F35, parts will be more readily available, etc etc.
The Silent Eagle costs more than the F35 though, the price tag of which we’re already gawking at.
We’re gawking at the F35 costs, so we should switch to the Silent Eagle which has a higher lifetime cost?
Well then. Didn’t expect this thread to disprove the majority of climate scientists on the planet with the irrefutable proof of the incredibly forward thinking Chinese government/military.
Yeah, but the Wii U is Nintendo Weird(tm). The other is 10 years old. Most new things work fine powering it out of box.
Yeah, but the Wii U is Nintendo Weird(tm). The other is 10 years old. Most new things work fine powering it out of…
Seriously. I don’t like it when people play them up as the boogeyman, but whenever they announce they’re going to expand settlements it makes me so frustrated. That’s not helping anyone, you’re hurting innocents and you’re just making the worlds nations even more frustrated with you.