Yep. BBC is miles above most major American news organizations.
Yep. BBC is miles above most major American news organizations.
Hope they remove the requirement for devs to support that wand controller though, since that would limit the scope of games.
I’m aching for more updates on that. Things were looking pretty shaky on the Indian desire for it, and without that side of the funding the Russian side is probably boned as well.
They have India, but it’s like they’re trying to lose that by selling China SU-35s and Pakistan attack helicopters.
What baffles me is Russia continuing to sell advanced jets to China, including the SU-35. They need a quick buck with their economy, sure, but in the long run they’re just going to help make Chinese competitors come to market, and piss off their biggest arms importer, India, which does not copy their designs. India…
It’s about 1/3rd of the game.
You at least get a few poets! John...Locke...Cowinkidink?
“We will not buy the F-35 stealth fighter-bomber.
Jezebel vs Jezebel, folks
There’s this site called Jezebel on Gawker Media that has an article you should read
Hoooo, snap. That’s much less than I paid for the Iris Pro base version.
Hoooo, snap. That’s much less than I paid for the Iris Pro base version.
Not sure what the need for snark is. Fifth gen programs are damned expensive no matter who you are. “Why don’t we just sell them?”, wow, such brilliance, but what if we /can’t/ for whatever reason? Why do you think the Pak Fa program is in such danger, if “just sell them” is so easy? We’re a much smaller country than…
I mean, define obsolete. It’s not a front line fighter. Before it, it would have the (maybe) Pak Fa if those get built, the Rafales, the still good SU-30MKIs, AND Mig-29s. . When people say it’s “obsolete” or point to any of it’s not high end specs I feel like they’re pitching it as a front line fighter. This is a…
There’s quite a bit of difference between the Super Tucano and fifth gen stealth platforms. Heck, 4++ gen jets are still boom or bust, Dassault was very close.
Oh, Monica. I wish I had a what-if machine to see what life would be like if that and the YF-23 won.
I hadn’t heard of that? Last I checked they were moving forward with building the Mark-1A, which has some improvements over the 1, since the Mark 2 was delayed. That’s not to say they’ll never want the Mark 2.
“We don’t like the F35 costs, what should we do?”
“Spend even more on creating our own ground-up fifth gen fighter and infrastructure to support it?”
“Token military force” is a bit extreme. It’s still sizable and capable for our population size and GDP.
“Open, but we’re dismissing one before the competition” isn’t quite fully open though. Even if the F35 isn’t right, let the competition sort them out. It’s presence could even lower the deal prices of other jets.