That's cool I guess, but why should I as an end user care? If I want to save the planet, that difference in power is less than me turning off a single light bulb.
That's cool I guess, but why should I as an end user care? If I want to save the planet, that difference in power is less than me turning off a single light bulb.
Pointing to a good GPU and a slightly weaker CPU again. Of course it's a new console, and optimizations can be had, but it won't be the same change the PS360 had as the biggest change there was multithreaded code. Even shrunk to 45nm fabs like the Wii U CPU, the Cell and Xenon are over 100mm2, and Core 2 Duos were a…
I wonder if this is supposed to be the successor to the 360, complimentary to it, or complimentary to the nextbox. An onlive like service for a console would be interesting, no need to upgrade the console hardware, but that much streaming is unfeasible for a lot of people, plus the experience would be laggy for a lot…
1000 dollars is the upgraded quad core model iirc, the base is 400 less.
*I* don't think it's a lot for something that should last at least 7-10 years, I'm responding to people who think 8GB is too much.
And if it comes out in 2013, I would expect it to last into 2020-2023 or so, imagine how big games will be by then.
It's over-provisioning to be sure, but once it's built into every console developers may tap into it since it's there and there's no benefit to leaving it idle. If you build new boxes with only todays requirements in mind, developers stay in those limitations and nothing advances. Give them lots to work with and…
But the grounds would still be in contact with the water through the filter mesh, which would make the water extract more of the bad flavors.
Any modern GPU architecture is GPGPU capable, a GPGPU isn't another physical "thing" in the console.
Because nothing I've seen is a must-have game that isn't already out for other consoles or PC, and by the time those must have games come around any potential first run bugs may be ironed out as a bonus.
I doubt it, but I think something at-cost at 399 without the added cost of the Wii U controller would be possible, if that extra 100 or whatever dollars went towards the internals it could be significantly better, plus launching later with newer tech.
The only way to test the reality of this is to see if it keeps getting cross platform games 4-5 years down the like when the other two next gen consoles are well entrenched. I hope it's not a Wii repeat that misses out on big cross platform games for lack of hardware capability.
If it launches in 2013 it would likely be staying alive until 2020-2023. Games may need more RAM by then. Build it and they will come as they say, I'd rather it have extra than too little. Worst case it could be used as a disk cache.
Physically blu ray, minus blu ray playback. Same as the Wii which just used DVDs minus DVD playback.
You know the Wii U uses what are physically just like Blu Ray disks right? The difference is they don't licence Blu Ray playback, so they don't market it as blu ray. MS could do the same thing, or if they want get the playback licence too.
Kill physical disks? I'd rather not download 25-50GB games, thank you. The next gen consoles will presumably have at least 25GB disks as a minimum, as the Wii U has that.
Quad core with four threads per core points right to the IBM Power7. They hyped up the Wii U as being based on that but if it is it's a very stripped down version of it to fit in that size on 45nm, plus I think someone on Neogaf would have mentioned four threads per core. Anyways if true the Nextbox processor will be…
Meh, even in 2012 I'm not down for 25GB game downloads for an all-digital system.
Not yet, maybe in a year or two. I see zero must-have games for me that aren't already out for cheaper consoles or PC, plus the longevity is still in question, wouldn't want another dust collector in a short time like the Wii. If in a few years the next Elder Scrolls or Mass Effect won't be technically possible on the…
Because someone as poor as Oprah can only use one or the other, and posting from one means she must not ever use the other.