

That's all true, but a 3 for what they are selling the 2 for right now would be awesome imho regardless of all that.

They aren't even selling the 3 anymore -_-

That doesn't mean they upgrade both at once, A5X had the same CPU and twice as good graphics, A6X was just called twice as good.

So the chip and the screen res are no better than the iPad 2, apart from PPI since it's smaller...if the third gen iPad is going to be selling for what the iPad 2 did after the 3, that's my winner, meh to the mini and meh to the improvements in the 4.

Maybe it just needs ML software support, like Intel SSD caching needs Vista 7 or 8.

So is just the CPU faster this time, or the graphics too?

That's the same thing Intels SSD caching which modern chipsets support does. Did they say specifically that it was software based? Because that's a waste of hardware then.

Are they really using Intels chipset supported SSD caching and calling it their own technology?

There's still a bulge towards the center, and there is no optical drive, so no wonder they could taper the edges.

Maybe I was being overly optimistic, but it's neither quad core, doesn't have a discreet GPU, and isn't cheaper than I was expecting either. I'm feeling meh towards it right now.

They should bring in an anodized black aluminum model

Err, all of the authors gizmodo emails are publicly known.

Uh, 1199 for a baseline 13" rMBP? Unlikely, but hell yes if true. Assuming they don't skimp on anything.

See now I'm very confused, as everything I've been reading and watching recently has suggested the opposite is true, that dietary fat is less likely stored as fat.

That is quite strange. Everything I've been reading and watching has been suggesting that high fat, low carb is better.

5.5 miles is far beyond the minimal guidelines? I guess that's why they're called minimal, but I'm pretty sure I go well beyond that. I should track it by GPS some day.

Lol. Yup, a 6 year old 200 million transistor processor beats anything else.

Are the processor and GPU still on the same fabrication process as the less super slim?

The number of infections per system have gone down with Vista, 7, and likely now 8. Meanwhile one worm after another has proven Macs aren't immune to malware, even if they don't have as much. And Windows will not be history, not by Apples hand, so long as you can only get OSX with macs, think about the value