
But here’s the thing - if the USSF think they’ll be worth more income than the men’s team, that’s more important. They’ve effectively budgeted the women will pull in more money, and they’re still up to stiff them.

FWIW, those projections were made by U.S. Soccer, not the complainants in this case.

Go back to Goop, Pepper Potts.

Not gonna google Furikake. Nice try Redford.

The fact that “cheese dust” and “caramel” are not in your top three (two!) is a goddamned travesty. I’m sure Old Bay is good and it’s hard to go wrong with some simple butter and salt but soy sauce? Dafuq?

Fantastic piece. Alt-weeklies harbor last vestiges of good journalism. It’s well worth it to read every word of Garvin’s meticulous exposition on the crime & slime of KJ. For those who don’t have the time right now, the TL;DR is captured in this sentence:

Cosmo Garvin and the Sacramento News & Review are heroes of democracy. In Sacramento we’ve always kind of known that KJ was corrupt, but to see it printed and having him fight so hard against the little guy and lose is very satisfying.

We love heroic Sacramento journalist Cosmo Garvin and we love The Baffler, and our feelings on Kevin Johnson are well-known; Garvin in The Baffler on Johnson more than lives up to our expectations. [The Baffler]


Actually, this is a good and correct opinion. Peeps are an abomination in the sight of God.

RIP Oscar Tavares

I’m sure others will point it out, but Minor League Guy was Oscar Taveras, once one of the top prospects of baseball, and now sadly deceased thanks to a terrible decision to drink and drive.

When I woke up this morning, I had no idea I'd read not one but two in depth breakdowns of how basketball players chose what shoes to wear by the end of the day.

rooting for A-Rod to pass Babe Ruth’s 714 HRs this year so the Yanks can tie themselves in knots not acknowledging it

Even last year’s WS run wasn’t enough to erase the hurt of that loss.

God, I hate caring about sports so much.

You have made a gray sleety day so much warmer...

Wait, are you implying that he couldn’t understand me when I yelled “SWING YOU MARVELOUS FUCK, SWING” at him in Game 7 of the 2006 NLCS? Well that explains a lot.

Well, I’m convinced. Dude with an obvious ax to grind said it is with no evidence, arguments, facts, or really any words beyond “I’m right”...so it must be true!

In a publicly funded stadium it makes sense that the city can ban whatever the heck they want. In a privately owned stadium though, I agree that they shouldn’t be able to ban smokeless tobacco.