
The soul is eternal and has no age.

Seriously, it just looks like a series of balks. You ask a great question.

Now I have even less than a clue of what a balk is...

If Story contains “Cardinals” Then “Best fans in Baseball AMIRITE!” End If

Homophones are hilarious. Wait, what was the joke?

I don’t trust banks.

I could write a script that spit out takes that were less cliched than these comments.

Do you still laugh at knock-knock jokes too?

I know right. I mean it was funny the first time a commenter made it. It’s even funnier the 50th time. +1000000000 for originality.

Insert <> “Cardinals fans are the worst!”

I had to read the Tortilla Curtain for an English class. Awful. BTW - I think I may have read the story you’re talking about, in reading the synopsis, it’s just been years.

Damn, I googled it and it pains me to see the author. I vowed to never read Boyle again as long as I lived... But I am somewhat intrigued. I’ll have to get back to you.

Guilty as charged. I love most baseball books actually.

But nothing tops this baseball possibility:

But why is the Cardinal mascot a tree? That makes no sense to me.

Stop trolling a troll? Nah.

But why is the Cardinal mascot a tree? That makes no sense to me.

Pro-tip: Peanut butter and bacon on toast. I know the bacon obession has long since reached peak stupidity but I’ve been eating this since I was a kid (40yrs and counting) and everyone I have turned on to this has agreed it’s the fucking best.

This. I would drink Thai peanut sauce with a straw for dinner.

That’s not what your dog said Giri.