
Oh, thanks for your help. It was super helpful. You seem kind of obsessed with the Cardinals. Or is it the Cardinal Marching Band... I forget.

This needs all the stars.

Oof, that is pathetic. Not sure what’s lamer, that tweet, or your ability to recall some chode’s tweet from 6 months ago.

Could you please link to a single one of those tweets. No? Man, Cardinals fans are the worst! AMIRITE!


The St. Louis Cardinals are not going to just uproot and move to fucking NEW YORK CITY. AMIRITE!

This comment needs more Cardinals hate or else I don’t even believe you work for Deadspin.

Nah, the biggest sports baby is Cardinals Fans. The Right Way amirite!

That’s what makes cliches so hilarious. The only thing worse than the puns from DS commenters is the cliches, and the Cardinals fans of course. Those guys are the worst, amirite!

Seriously, Cardinals fans are the worst! And by worst, I mean slightly better than tired, cliched jokes, rehashed over and over again! KINJA!

Insert <> “Cardinals fans are the worst!”

Insert <> “Cardinals fans are the worst!”

Insert <> “Cardinals fans are the worst!”

Cardinals fans are so dumb, as are the Cardinals.

Counter point: John Lackey’s red ass.

Yeah, um. Look at the post times tool. I can’t help if other people post the same shit after me.

Although that’s possible, I do think it’s unlikely. Craig does do a good job identifying the conflicts of interest though:

Not sure if you’re joking, but in case you’re not, here’s a better prepper:

Yes but will any of her supporters abandon ship? I’m doubtful...

Until Western Powers start showing up, I’m on board with this theory: