
Good kinja. I’d add to that her comparison between the SE and the 7 misses out on something besides size and tech: the SE will be selling at basically half the price of the 7.

Yes yes, but have the Cubs won the World Series yet Marchman??? I NEED TO KNOW!

Now playing

“Picture the Pope and the Vatican, laughing and drinking and singing and
Kissing me”

Rudy’s Tacos.

Kaz Matsui feels terrible for him.

Yes, you must be on an old version. Right-click now gives you several paste options. Not sure when it was added, but I’m currently using 2013.

I just read this and added him to my fantasy team because it’s a deep league (14 teams) but mostly I am telling you this because you definitely care about my fantasy team.

Past Values is a right-click function though, so...

“Man, that does burn! Worse than when I pee.”

Related: Lawry’s on french fries instead of salt.

1) Brewer’s yeast

1) Fucking chicken salt mate!

This is great suff Marchman, thanks for linking. And yes, the Baffler and Cosmo both kick ass.

Don’t you dare talk about Jose Oquendo that way.

It’s ok by me; I’ve called him a sanctimonious hypocrite before so I figure we’re even.

My wife and I faced a simliar situation. The one difference was that our children were not hypothetical, she was already pregnant when we got married. I was fine with whatever she chose personally, but she was adamant that we all have the same last name and decided that it would be my last name. As a compromise she

Somewhat related: Stadiums banning chewing tobacco; oh the irony when/if this happens at Miller Park, Busch Stadium, and Coors field.

Oscar Mercado.