Speaking of the education system letting people down, you should have worded your statement in a way to encourage people to do the same in their own states, instead of forgetting that context is a thing.
Speaking of the education system letting people down, you should have worded your statement in a way to encourage people to do the same in their own states, instead of forgetting that context is a thing.
“Trump was elected because of retards and gullible people! Not in any way because the candidate we endorsed literally bought her way through the election and has a stained history of her own. Nope! And certainly because we aren’t pushing people further right with our antics and screwed up political ideology. No sir!”
You realize cities were offering free transportation to voting booths in the past, right? This isn’t anything new.
I work 10 hours a day and still have time to go out and vote. The only people who work longer hours than I do are in the medical field.
Are you trying to tell non-Texans that they can vote in Texas?
Finally. Someone with sense.
Aaaaand this is why Trump won.
Ben Carson is racist? Elaine Chao is sexist?
Maybe stop supporting people who are completely corrupt and the rest of America would be a little more open to listening.
You aren’t forced to live in the US. You can literally hop on a plane or boat and go live anywhere else.
And ever since then, both parties have come to an unwritten agreement that if a president is in the final year of his term and is not eligible for re-election then a supreme court nomination would be held for his successor. Joe Biden solidified this in his 1992 speech.
Republicans have been suggesting term limits for a while. I wonder why the idea hasn’t been popular with Democrats...
That rumor has already been debunked. Kavanaugh was looking for professionalism when it came to how his clerks looked.
Guilty of what? Empowering more women than the left?
How nice of you to completely mutilate my comment by cutting it in half to hide its context in order to stoop back to political levels and shove your leftist ideology in the mix...
Bill Nye, Niel Degrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking when he was alive, basically the ones who have achieved celebrity status and are pushing climate change to keep it.
I’m kicking you out of your house and taking $10,000 from your bank account. I don’t have grounds for it, but I’m doing it.
I’m inclined to side with the scientists that are actually working on a solution rather than the ones who are just blaming people for sucking so much just to get them to do things that don’t actually help.
They cannot have opinions backed up by well-sourced facts? Excuse me? Are you suggesting that facts cannot ever support one side more than the other?
You must be talking about this: