

You know we’ve strayed too deep into politics when the far-left is claiming fictional characters support their hypocritical ideologies... 

You are correct in the sense that to begin impeachment proceedings you just need to plant the ideas in some representatives heads. However, I think this is where you are mistaken. While the House can discuss impeachment based on findings, to advance to a Senate trial there needs to be credible proof. From there the

I’m confused, what’s your proof? A “maybe this” and a “maybe that” with a little bit of conspiracy theory thrown in as a side? You think you guys would have learned after these last three weeks that you need proof before you can accuse someone of something.

Ford says nobody else was there, and she didn’t tell anyone about it until 2012 in a therapy session. Who else are you able to ask that would be able to confirm her side of the story?

You’re right. Lying under oath is perjury.

How do you steal a nomination that YOUR OWN HAND-PICKED VICE PRESIDENT said you never should have had?

“Love Trumps Hate!”

You can impeach a senator, but you need proof of criminal activity past hurt feelings.

And you people claim what the right was (correctly) saying about Ford was a big conspiracy theory...

Did Trump even need to consider a Supreme Court Justice at the time since all seats were filled?

How many people did Ford claim was at the party? Lets assume that it WAS only six people (Ford, Kavanaugh, Judge, Smyth, Keyser, and the unnamed boy [Even though Ford didn’t remember Keyser being there until last week?]). That means the FBI interviewed three more people than necessary. Interviewing anyone else means

Because, unlike Democrats *coughKeithEllisoncough*, Republicans take accusations of sexual assault seriously. They bent over backwards to hear her side of the story and only called it off when it became clear that she had no proof and her goal was to delay the vote if not derail the nomination altogether.

...then spending ten minutes trying to poke holes in Ford’s testimony...

“He lied and he knew it!” is not grounds for perjury, let alone full impeachment proceedings. I would have thought you learned that this week, accusations without proof are more likely to pit people against you than rally them to your side.

A white guy intentionally and irrationally kicked an anti-abortion activist the other day and as a result lost his job.

“Believe ALL women!”

Except I just read that as Reap-tor and not Re-ap-tor.

You have the greatest luck of anyone I’ve ever met.

If we didn’t have the carseat in it, my Colorado fits two normal-size adults pretty comfortably. I also don’t sit as far back as the seat allows though.