Yes, the video is staged by Tesla Trip’s Patrick Lawson and his sister—but that doesn’t mean they made it easy on themselves.
Yes, the video is staged by Tesla Trip’s Patrick Lawson and his sister—but that doesn’t mean they made it easy on themselves.
with the truck in park only 1 wheel can realistically fight the forward motion of the vehicle. With the parking brake engaged both rear wheels will be fixed in place. Dragging a vehicle in park like that otherwise just spins one wheel backwards while the other rolls right along with the vehicle speed.
Also screws up fresh water amongst other things or does in my part of the world.
Te problem here in the upper Midwest is that the days following a snow, the roads remain sloppy. You can’t get from the car wash back home without it looking just as bad as before the wash. Then a lot of the time it snows again and the cycle repeats. You can go weeks when the roads are so sloppy there is no way to…
Ground walnut shells, sand, with only 10% of the salt and mandate winter tires.
Winter tires.
Road salt should be BANNED.
This is still less ridiculous looking than a Civic Type R
This is for the wedding party whose colors are RealTree/Orange, but only when the clapped-out Ram isn’t considered fine enough.
Diamonds are actually the most genius scam in history. Give worthless rocks a huge value and create an entire industry and culture dependent on them.
Cool, Honda and Toyota also sell a metric fuckton of cars and you don’t even hear a fraction of the horror stories you do for VAG products.
This comment took far to long to find
Were you born this stupid or did you have to work at it?
Now JL Wrangler production can slow down to fully weld the frames.
Neutral: The people I know who looked at electric vehicles all considered the tax credit, but it would not have made a difference in their decisions. For some people (like me with nowhere to charge at home), they’re impractical regardless of price. A lot of people can’t afford them even with the tax credit. The people…
The new Bronco will spur retro design in the truck platform, much like the Mustang redesign brought back retro styling in the Camaro, Challenger, and Charger.
Neutral: Depends on how much manufacturers have been relying on that credit to keep per car losses down. If they go away and Chevy is faced with reduced Bolt buyers even taking a $7K hit on each one, how deep do they go to keep that line alive here?
What problem are you having? I am no longer able to see names or click on things in my notification drop down in the upper right. I have to go to my profile page to see what’s going on, like some kind of animal.
I was ready to get one of these as a company car for my business. Right mix between quirkyness and practicality. Called the dealership and they tell me that there is a waiting list until August 2020!