
In college, a friend's parents both made $100,000. She couldn't understand why classmates were so happy to hear their major would start them out at $35,000- that's a livable wage?! HOW?! she wanted to know. It took me almost 5 years out of college to hit that much. Starting there would have great.

I asked her how

I make 16k a year and I have a college degree and I'm just very, very depressed right now because I keep reading about people being surprised numbers are this low. I don't know what I'd even do with myself if I could even achieve middle class. Being able to own my own home (even a small one) is a dream I don't even

I'm one. I make too much to be considered in need of assistance, but too little to be considered 'upper-lower class'. Course, my work tries to justify it by giving little extras a marked-up worth.

No, you need better and appropriate pay.

Yeah, your costs are way lower.

I wonder how many people can't even meet the "Middle Class Lower Bound," yet still don't qualify for any kind of assistance.

I have a great tip for sorting out the accidental assholes from the true assholes. It was the only HR directed training that I have found consistently helpful in my career. When someone says something to you that can be taken two ways and you aren’t sure what they meant, you say “Ouch!” Someone who meant it the nice

facepalm*. It’s bad enough being a woman in science/tech, which means that you automatically stand out and are scrutinized way more. If you cause problems, there are way mor e serious ramifications. Besides, half the time the people saying these things are your colleagues and bosses. If you stand up to them, you’ll be

You’re right. If only we stood up to assholes we wouldn’t have this problem.

Heaven forbid people should think before the speak!

From the article this one linked to:

See, the whole “quit acting like a girl” thing is what you need to avoid. That’s a key point that doesn’t seem to be sinking in for you. If your brain formulates thoughts like that, then yes, you should walk on eggshells and self-edit. If you can manage to string together a few nonsexist thoughts, then by all means,

If there is a great risk of you being a jerk whenever you open your mouth, then yes, I would prefer it if you just stayed quiet.

If treating others like human beings come so unnaturally to you that you *have* to walk on eggshells and constantly self-edit in order to do it, that itself indicates a bit of a problem, don’t you think?

Translation:- I can’t be assed thinking about other people.

Still in-progress, has not been fully achieved at any time.

“but which are often said to women at a far higher rate then men”

So, your solution to the problem of tech not being able to retain female employees is telling the female employees that they are the problem and are being babies? Someone is being childish here, but I think you need to look in the mirror. Not being able to say whatever you want, the way a toddler does, is truly being

Should be titled “Things Said to Women Working in Tech or Science Which Should Never Be Said to Anyone Ever”

In my last job, we had hired an outside company to redo our network wiring and install a new firewall/VPN device. I asked the project manager to give me the administrative login and show me the settings and he said, “Sure. If you can understand it, I guess anyone can.” With a grin.