
Yesterday on FB I posted a plea for donations to Misty Snow’s campaign, the woman running against that teabag Mike Lee in the Utah senate race. Guess how many of the Bernie diehards on my feed even acknowledged the damn post.

Send a few dollars to her campaign!

If Stein were a viable candidate, she would be facing the same vitriol as Clinton.

Given one of the parents works at Taco Bell, I'm guessing they were hustling to pay the bills.

Do you truly believe that there are only a handful of qualified women working in politics and Clinton somehow hired all of them?

Many of the towns with emergency managers (like Flint, and most larger Michigan cities) lean heavily Democrat, so I don’t think you can make this argument.

Unsurprisingly, most of the towns who have been appointed an emergency manager are primarily black and registered Democrats.

I loved that scene in Erin Brockovich

Since Snyder was elected, the mayors and city councils of many Michigan towns are mere figureheads. Look up “Michigan emergency managers.” IIRC, the city council voted to switch back to Detroit’s water supply and they were vetoed by the emergency manager, who was appointed by the governor.

I’m not making any excuses for myself, but I’m not self-righteous and I’m not deluded into thinking my “choices” are a punishment or define my human worth. Good job for making yourself look like an asshole.

I’m glad you’ve done your best to plan for the future, but I’m simply telling you that something you hadn’t prepared for is eventually going to come around and kick some humility into you. Life fucks you when you least expect it, and it will happen to you or yours. Maybe your kids, and then you can sit on your high

Someday, something will happen to you or someone close to you that puts you in a situation not of your own making, and from an outsider’s perspective it will appear to be due to your “bad choices.” I guarantee you, it will happen - life has a way of smacking us upside the head to humble us. When that situation

You admit, without shame, you spent your time at a job looking at porn and you have the audacity to look down upon people who are stuck in dead-end jobs?

And for what it’s worth, I’d rather have a 40 year old kid who worked on a fast food line that understood humility and that life doesn’t always work out the way you planned than an arrogant middle management shit-for-brains who thinks the poor are beneath him. I'm sorry you equate wealth with worth.

As a parent, you should know that children are not consequences.

The closing of schools and lack of reproductive access are two separate issues, which the person I responded to blamed low-income people for. My examples addressed the two issues.

Tell you what. You go out there and advocate for reproductive rights (including free contraception and proper access to abortion clinics), comprehensive sex ed for teenagers, protest education underfunding, and protest police brutality in low-income neighborhoods (which often leads to minorities needing to act as

Not everyone has a ton of career options. Education is often a huge hurdle in itself, especially when you throw in things like kids and sick parents. Once we create a decent middle class sector with jobs and paths to opportunity to that are open to high school diploma holders, then feel free to hold the opinion that

What “bad decisions” are you referring to, pray tell?

there is no phrase during election that I despise more than "your hard-earned tax dollars"