
I've worked for Darden. I've fought with Darden in the media. I know Darden. They'll only stop this shit once we raise a great big stink about it, and then they'll try to market themselves as abolitionists after. They are awful in every possible way, especially since the Starboard takeover, and I'd advise anyone to

I see Olive Garden finally got in touch with their Roman roots, in the worst way possible.

Considering how they treated their employees when I worked for them, I am Not Surprised. They were the only job I ragequit in the middle of a shift without a two-weeks' notice.

In response to your most recent article on tipping, I got into a discussion with someone who was absolutely sure that the biggest corporate chains couldn't possibly be refusing to make it up to their employees when their tips didn't bring them up to minimum wage, because obviously if that were true a class action

Not really. Because all of the pay and benefits are worked out through the bargaining process between companies and unions, and if workers have the ability to opt out of membership, then it weakens both the union and the contract, to the detriment of the union members and to the non-members. Non-union jobs pay less,

Welcome to 'Murica. The min wage in NY just went to 8.75 and if I didn't make double that, I wouldn't have a prayer of surviving as a single mother of one with our tax rates.

I work in an At-Will state as well. The At-Will employment law really has workers by the balls. Yes, I can quit with no notice at anytime but I stand to lose much more than an employer who fires me for no reason does. It's harder to get work if you are unemployed, it's hard to get past even an online screen that

I might be reading too much into the statement, but I live in the general vicinity of Pine Bluff. It is 75% African American and his statement is reflecting a fairly common local attitude towards Pine Bluff. My feeling is its not just bullshit but racist bullshit.

When I worked at Best Buy, employee training consisted of watching videos and then taking a follow up quiz. These videos covered totally normal subjects, like employee expectations and info on the electronics we were selling, but one was about unions. It was so fucking hilarious, because they were clearly trying to

While diapers would certainly be nice, I think she needs a job that pays more than $7.50/hour.

I see a massive PR opportunity for Luv's diapers to donate some diapers to this woman. If I had a twitter account I would tweet this at them.

Exactly! When I try to explain the true meaning of it to my more conservative acquaintances, it's like explaining physics to an orange. Actually it's worse, because at least after not being successful, you have an orange to eat.

Meanwhile, Herry Patel, the Days Inn general manager, told Harlan the wage increase is, in his words, "bad for Arkansas. Everybody wants free money in Pine Bluff."

Oh fuck. I work for this company. In a right-to-work state. And if those are the Patels I think they are.... damn. I'm not surprised, just a little sick in my stomach now.

It doesn't really stand, though. More workers would be in unions if there weren't this ongoing, systematic weakening of collective bargaining rights and deliberate efforts to otherwise tamp down union participation.

Or in the alternative, "everybody in every place on earth wants free money." Including the shitbag boss here. Would he not pick up a $20 bill if it were left in a parking lot somewhere?

"Everybody wants free money in Pine Bluff."

Fired for not sticking to the script, more like.

You told a minimum wage employee to talk a reporter on the subject of living on minimum wage & you fired her when she said how tough it is? That's like encouraging someone to kick you in the balls & then having them arrested for assault. What the hell did you think would happen?! I know I've used this analogy before