
The potential transience of a privilege does not negate the existence of a privilege. Wealth is a privilege, one which can be both earned & lost. Beauty comes with privilege, but beauty can fade. Their impermanence has little effect on the benefits one reaps while one has them.

Magic 8 Ball, is it possible that a random internet person is more privy to my dietary choices, calorie intake, metabolic rate, & inherited bone structure than I am?

Thin privilege is a thing. It is a thing you can gain, lose, gain, and lose again quickly and often. But it is a thing. It is a privileged state of being in Western society, ergo, thin privilege is a thing.

One thing, before we get going; it's really time to get rid of the thoughtless bodysnarking caveat "unless you're a doctor." It feeds into the pernicious, dangerous delusion that a medical degree somehow immunizes one against fat prejudice, and study after study has shown that doctors shame, misdiagnose, provide

Nope. In some cases, it just takes genetic lottery. I was born thin, & I remain thin, no matter how many pancakes I shovel into my mouth hole. It takes as much "work & self control" for me to stay this way as it does for white people to stay white. And I have fat friends who were born fat & will die fat, no matter how

I use the phrase "why isn't there a white history month!" as a catch-all response to any of this absurdity. For me, it's become an all-accompanying phrase for denial of any power structures in the US.

In my opinion, "Thin-shaming" falls under the same category as misandry and reverse-racism. It's not to say that it doesn't happen or that it doesn't exist, but what people need to realize is that when you come from the perspective of the privileged class, there's a huge difference in (pardon the pun) weight being

They objectify women. They use them as naught but plot devices to further the "development" of the male protagonists. They use them as the prize our heroes earn at the end. When they have a "role" it's usually stereotypical, specially at an emotional level. To name the most obvious.

All the ones where women only turn up to act as humorless buzzkills and trophies. In other words, pretty much all of them.

If you look at the Hangover (to pick one they mentioned), the women don't come out looking that great. Neither do the men for that matter, but Ed Helms' wife is a complete monster, the bride-to-be is a nonentity, and the only woman we actually get to know a little bit is a stripper who can't comprehend that she

Remember, if it's not New York City, according to Gawker it's a wasteland.

And yet, none of the women you describe would want to fuck you. Go figure.

Steff gave zero fucks about what other dudes thought, and certainly was not spending his time architecting weak male bonding attempts like this shit. All this is is men dancing for other men and had nothing to do with women. Steff is a completely different breed of asshole. Louche, mostly solitary, attracted to people

That's right. The assholes of yesteryear were at least stylish and sure of their purpose, damnit. The Steffs of the world have been replaced by what my mom calls "pig boys," men who act like teenagers, are shaped like boxes, wear stained football jerseys and demand women sex them. Oh, and then judge Angelina Jolie as

I was afraid of drowning as a kid, so my cousin decided to help me get over it by putting my Barbie pool over my head and holding me under water in our grandparents' pool. He explained afterward that since I'd now experienced a near-drowning and lived, I wouldn't be afraid of it anymore. It totally worked! I no longer

In Steff's defense, these asinine dudebros of the 21st century really aren't fit to shine his transcendentally dickish loafers. The 80s were a golden age of sorts for rich, entitled assholes, and James Spader was their spirit animal. He was a self-aware entitled dick. Only Scott Disick is doing his part to carry on

It's like that time where you were afraid of swimming in the deep end, so your dad picked you up and threw you in! If your dad was a gaslighting sexist douchebag, that is...

Lulu sucks too. I have no problem disliking both of them.

"Women face a really different challenge than men."

This is precisely why access to health insurance should not be tied to full-time employment. Total BS.