Goodness, what a tedious person. Here's the thing about exercising a lot: it makes you fucking boring. Case in point: you.
Goodness, what a tedious person. Here's the thing about exercising a lot: it makes you fucking boring. Case in point: you.
Do you even know what ableism means?
Not just ableism, PROUD ableism.
I was waiting to see when blatant ableism would pop up in one of these discussions. Congrats on yours being the first post I've come across since I've started reading here.
You don't know that she wouldn't fall in love with a man in a wheelchair.
She's also conveniently dismissing the fact that people are not all attracted to the same body type. Me? I'm a size 24. I am short and round. I'm super pear-shaped. And my boyfriend loves it. He's not just playing lip service and trying to be supportive; he is legitimately attracted to round, fleshy women with giant…
A feminist would never tell another woman to "settle down." So go back to your Crossfit cult now.
But at a societal and historic level, it serves a vital purpose.
I shouldn't be the exception to the rule. Feminist spaces use articles like to this help breakdown the already strongly held belief that the only value a woman has is her (toned and perfect) body. These articles aim to break down "women as a walking collection of parts" as entrenched in the public psyche to one of…
Ha! I considered picking apart that response piece by piece, and got so overwhelmingly bored with the whole thing I just stopped. You summed up my feelings perfectly.
That's the biggest load of thin-privilege-lets-maintain-the-status-quo-and-keep-out-all-the-people-who-don't-look-like-ME!! I've read in a long time.
After finding love where and when I least expect it, I'm just leery of making assumptions about what is attractive to whom. There's a lid for all pots, Amy Poehler says, and I'd rather have someone who thinks I'm just right the way I am than spend a lot of time angsting about changing into something I can never be.
I'll be honest with you... and for the record I think that some Jezebel writers can take this for granted... but as a skinny lady I don't see how this kind of language is offensive. Skinny is still considered pretty much universally attractive in our culture. Being offended at people deriding thin women as beanpoles…
So the opposite of "fit" is now "feel flubby, bloated, and lazy" and if someone is not "fit" you apparently don't feel they can "LIKE the way they look"?
"I like to offer a body that turns my partner on."
It makes me sad that this was also one of the many insightful point of The Beauty Myth—specifically that the ideal body of the 90s (still thin, but extremely toned) was probably more unattainable for the average woman than the previous ideal of just skinny, which you could get just by starving yourself. Developing…
I have zero regard for how others view me. I dont have time for that bullshit.
I work on my emotional well-being for myself and for the sake of the relationship. Funnily enough, that involved not beating myself up for not being what America assumes is the romantic ideal of every man alive. He fell in love with a person, not a body.
This shit will never end, because self-hatred for women in a billion dollar industry.