
One of his Non-Nice Guy Nice Guy (TM) things is something I keep seeing posted by whiny man-boys: They get very put out that women aren't "honest" with them when they want to run away. But this gets down to the very lack of understanding these men have with women and the lives we lead. We we have to turn you down,

I love the whole Cronut craze; it's like some sort of long con to get Manhattan yuppies to jump through all sorts of ridiculous hoops for food that's on sale on the midway at any given Midwestern state fair.

When this whole craze started up, I bought myself a glazed donut and a croissant, put one on top of the other, and ate them together. It was pretty good.

I think the realization that she's never going to want your life (however incredibly superior it is) is so, so important. It's like the realization that your ex is never going to be sorry for being a giant douchebag. You win, and you know it. But she doesn't, and she won't ever. That's why your meanness won't ever

She's totally going to read this. She reads all your articles. It's like she's obsessed with you or something. A BIG LESBIAN CRUSH ON YOU.

Errr. Have you seen Young Adult? You're acting like Charlize Theron. It's a little embarrassing.

To some degree, I think all small town transplants (myself included) think that all of the people they left behind wish that they could have left the town as well, and covet the lives of their high school classmates that

Yeah, and can the classist hatred. That's for the other side to muck about with. I actually think this urge to cyber-bully is one of those things that you confess to in private, and putting it out on the web makes you look a little small.

I had school tormenters as well. I've thankfully managed to get them nearly all out of my life by having a pretty strict "if I don't like you in real life, you aren't on my Facebook" rule. My 10 year high school reunion was canceled, much to my glee (I hated high school.) I am conventionally, intellectually,

So, you were a little asshole who got out assholed by another kid. How about you just cut off contact with her and move on with your life?

I used to have such a crush on Val Kilmer. Then he started to resemble one of my gross uncles. It was devastating.

I wonder how much of this has to do with the fact that Polynesians are one of New Zealand's main immigrant sources and Polynesians have some of the highest obesity rates in the world...

This is all I can see.

Haha choose your choice fashion!

Yes. It is acceptable to comment on the fashion choices of celebrities who are attending events dressed in over-priced garments created by top fashion houses in an attempt to gain more publicity for both the celeb and clothier. This is a comment on fashion (by fashion and for fashion), not on the woman. If you can't

Snarking on someone's choice of fashion is fair game (whether that be an outfit, makeup, shoes, etc.) but snarking on someone's body is not ok here. There is a difference.

There are actually a lot of trans people out there who don't necessarily see themselves as strictly male or female, collectively under the term "genderqueer." However, ideology has to be tempered by reality, and reality is that in a society that is still thoroughly squicked out by the thought of two dudes kissing,

Screw you.

Ok, but.

Well, I think most of the contributors recognise that there are issues with porn, but unlike some feminists, they don't draw a border around all of it then try to bomb it out of existence.