Tina Sena

I still wonder if, despite that space was usually a place of common understanding, some Strangelovian character at NASA built in a top secret button somewhere on the outside of the ISS to override the airlock controls.

I’d like to take this opportunity to shoehorn in a mention of the movie Space Camp from the 80s. Kate Capshaw and tiny Joaquin Phoenix (back when he used his real name Leaf), y’all! It was the best. I watched this pretty much everyday for an entire summer when I was a kid.

Also you forgot Bounty Hunter Leia

No Leia like Snow Leia, fo’ sho’!

1. Slave Leia.

Snow Leia is best Leia.

But I don’t even wear cologne.

What makes her f’ing awesome in real life is that she used to be a combat instructor for the Israeli army and a model to boot. I mean wtf she is a quintuple threat she can sing, dance, act, kick someone’ ass without breaking a sweat and then go awesomely model something.

Yep. Folks also need to shut up about her frame too, because watch that scene in WW where she lifts that tank: she’s fucking RIPPED when it’s time to flex.

She’s pretty much the best superhero casting since Christopher Reeves as Superman. And yes, that includes Hugh Jackman as Wolverine (love the guy but too tall and beautiful) and Robert Downy Jr. as Tony Stark (he’s great but only because he redefined who the mainstream thought Tony Stark was).

When they first announced Gal Gadot was going to be Wonder Woman I couldn’t see it.

Came here for this, Thanks. You beat me to it....I was not disappointed...LOL

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Probably helps to explain why he hates the “Pretty Vampire” genre. But yes lets get back to monsters being monsters - a nice classic monster movie

I would like to argue that the Golem predates even Frankenstein’s monster.

Sweet dreams.

I can’t see many shows that can’t be fun if you use the formula “Blank except it’s the zombie apocalypse,” you don’t even need the walking dead cast to show up except for crossover.

Parks & Recreation, except it’s the zombie apocalypse
The Wire, except it’s the zombie apocalypse
Breaking Bad, except it’s the zombie

The story of how the Federation found its moral center is supposed to be rooted in the post-war 21st century and the era immediately following First Contact... a moral center that we found with a great deal of help from the Vulcans.

Ironically, this ghostly shit gives me LIFE.
It’s just so satisfyingly creepy. Thanks Deerpark CBS for your real/fake footage!

The way that I see it, this movie is for people who’ve always recognized that this Superman has always saved people and been, to his expense in an increasingly hostile world, heroic. For everyone else who says “not muh Superman” or “he hasn’t save anyone”, they can go suck a moldy lemon, they don’t deserve this