Tina Sena

Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

sith army knife

I think you mean a Sith Army Knife

Seconded. And I don’t know if it’s me or if there really are all the colours of the rainbow in that shot of Leia.

The TIEs silhouetted against the sunset is still one of my favorite images of the new trilogy. 

Say what you will about JJ Abrams’ storytelling abilities, he and his crew know how to shoot some striking imagery, and The Rise of Skywalker will be no different. The clip reel reminded me how beautifully lit the third act of Force Awakens was: the light on Kylo’s face turning from blue to red as a sun is consumed by

He was named Skywalker before that book you mentioned was ever written. It’s always been his surname, because it was already his mother’s. 

And ultimately fulfills the prophecy of bringing balance to the force

Those were exactly my thoughts! I thought it rang more true as well when you compare this title to the other three concluding titles of the trilogies. Revenge of the SITH, Return of the JEDI, Rise of SKYWALKER.

TFA was very much fan service, though to its credit, I needed that to get me back into Star Wars again after losing all interest thanks to the prequels. That mirroring of ANH has made the movie much less interesting on repeat viewings, however, and I have little desire to watch it again right now. Rogue One was also

Anakin also achieved Force Ghost status.  

Apparently Darth Plagueis The Wise figured out how to cheat death. Maybe that’s what Palpatine managed. Personally I always figured he discovered the same method Qui-Gon did to become one with the Force and manifest as a Force Ghost, which thus far only Obi-Wan and Yoda achieved. It would make sense for Palpatine to

Lack of Artoo pisses me off.

Wasn’t “Skywalker” Anakin’s mother’s surname in Attack of the Clones? Shmi Skywalker?

So it’s actually that they are going to take a thing called a Motherbox into some weird liquid in the death star throne room and resurrect Luke but also accidentally resurrect the emperor, but then also it turns out Vader is also resurrected, but Vader has no memory, so Luke takes him to the old family moisture farm

I like the idea of them sharing an apartment, Odd Couple style.

“The Skywalker" is actually the Rebellion's superweapon.

I can picture him sitting back in the ruins, sipping a cold bantha beer, playing holochess with Yoda’s ghost.

SW Twitter is on fire today:

My gut reaction to hearing the title “Rise of Skywalker” was that Rey would start a new order of Force users - somewhere in the middle of the Jedi and the Sith - called the Skywalkers.