Tina Sena

Firstly, I cannot be the only one that caught the fact that ARM ART is actually the TARGARYEN sigil! Which would make the NIGHT KING Targaryen? Or... targeting TARGARYEN’s? Also, in regards to ARYA’s wish... me thinks she’s gonna slay a dragon. 

Yop. The argument. The car. My bowels. 

Yop. Floating hat man kept me awake for a solid week. Scared af. 

Dead give away. Oh, how the horror genre has fallen, when people proclaim the shittiest jump scare films are the ‘better’...

This right here. It’s why I don’t like MAN OF STEEL. Superman is NOT Batman. That shit pissed me off. Marvel characters are flawed humans in Superhero costumes. DC characters are Superheroes pretending to be flawed humans. Leave it that way.

Superman Returns is among my favorites.

Um. They should be watching EVERY film! How are you voting when you haven’t watched shit? Something is terribly wrong with the Academy. Just goes to show, a ton of shit won based on favoritism, alone. Also, a lot of good shit got snubbed for the same reasons.

I loved it. I think the thing that people forget the most is that when it comes to THE X-FILES, they’ve already been there, done that. The shows we claim are being copied by TXF’s, wouldn’t be here without TXF’s. The legacy of this show is that it has already covered all that shit, so now, it’s time to have fun. I can

Harryhausen is a GOD!

One of my favorite films.

There was this film called THE SENTINEL. It came out in 1977. Stars Ava Gardner, Chris Sarandon, and Beverly D’Angelo. It’s trippy as hell. But there is this scene where the main character is in a dark room and her deceased father walks passed her. When I was a kid watching it, I had nightmares about that dude walking

Bear McCreary...

Amun. I mean, Amen!

JUNIOR! I love that damn movie! Saw it in the movie theater. BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA...

Yop! I actually agree. I know the song very well!

Agreed. My sister could be in another country and if she hears INTERGALACTIC she calls me and goes, “They’re playing your shit!”

BLACKSTAR! Fucking epic!

I suggest anyone who hasn’t read it, get the TITAN edition!

Reminds me of a film named THE RETURNED.

Oh hell yes! I love CHERRY JONES!