Tina Belcher's Handlebar

She’s the Kathryn Heigl to his Gerard Butler

It’s tempting to like Megyn Kelly because she gets into feuds with douchebags about their bullshit and then I remember that she also works for Fox and is a republican and isn’t exactly speaking truth to power herself.

“Idoit” is a French word that translates to “moran.”


ben is so fucking cute and so grateful - that first night where he’s thanking all of them for coming - but i feel like he looks like a bad kisser

The meangirling last night and Amber and Jami’s confrontations/screen time brought back uncomfortable echoes of ‘unREAL’ for me and the expectation of minority women to play to ‘a type’. The contestant 1:1s about Jubilee that got air time (soccer mom and the finger wagging gesture/imitation) were awful and/or racist.

Holy shit I have thought about this dumb show way too much.

My car snaked up a jagged road until an impressive Greek revival building with fading whitewash came into view.

That was entirely to much to read for very little pay off.

“Dear Gov. Walker,

Scott Walker can fuck right off and apologize to all the public sector employees he’s demonized and dramatically changed the lives of. Scott Walker is a complete asshole. You can fuck off too.

Oh for god’s sake, shut up.

You should issue an apology for that shit comment.

Come on, the guy lives in a butt and smells his own poop. No amount of money can fix that.

You can push him down a flight of stairs while I attack him with a wire hanger.

You have to stand back in amazement at this group whose stance is,” government is absolutely worthless, politicians are bad, and I won’t compromise with anyone. Please elect me to be the head politician of this government which only works when people are willing to compromise.”

The Scott Walker saga is sort of fascinating.

I’ve cosigned to Hell everyone who uses the term “hubby.”

I feel like petitions have lost their meaning to be honest. When you had to get signatures and keep a physical copy. That’s something I could respect, but ‘ click this button because a shirt says trophy’. I can’t buy that.