Tina Belcher's Handlebar

Yep. I read an article on Slate today talking about the slew of think pieces that came out yesterday that talked about how Bernie did such a good job and everything, and he’s pushed the conversation and Hillary to the left, and everything but there is this distinct subtext in the tone of the pieces that basically

And, besides, IT'S HER TURN!!!

Like how people were saying that gay marriage was an impossible dream just ten short years ago? Or hey, how everyone was just so damn sure that Obama wouldn’t get any sort of healthcare reform passed through. Totally impossible. I’m sure helping get my wife insurance through the ACA was just some kind of fever dream

THIS. This need to be “practical” was the same line of reasoning used against voting for Obama.

It is funny how Americans, the children of immigrants all, never consider leaving.

Fucking thank you. This attitude that “only naive college students who have never been through a presidential election are voting for Bernie” is insufferable.

Yeah, get the fuck out of here if you want things to be better!

It’s stupid you have to explain that. Then again, welcome to America.

Can you imagine how royally fucked a lot of social justice movements over the last century would have been if they’d been populated by a lot of the 'pragmatic' progressive you see on these threads?

Obama was a junior Senator with a minimal record who was a lawyer from the Chicago Democratic machine. Anyone who thought he’d be anything other than what he turned out to be was delusional. Even knowing that, I still voted for him twice (breaking my long streak of protest voting for third parties) because he was

How horribly rude of me, thinking that I had a fucking right to engage in the political processes of this country. Must have missed that day of civics where they went over how we're obligated to go with the safest choice, lest we be kicked out.

This deserves way more stars

Of course, the common refrain you hear against all of this is that if we try to go too far left, too hard, too soon, it’ll spark a backlash that’ll erode what progress we’ve already made.

Not to pick any nits, but, seriously, what was the election that we could afford to lose?

Preach, yo. At the end of the day, I look at the platforms of EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE and it’s laughable to be like “oh, yes, under you, you would GUARANTEE that this wouldn’t/would happen”. We get it. We should all get it. But when it comes down to it, I need the tenacity, optimism, and drive of somebody like Bernie

Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be

This. It’s especially dangerous because it also fosters the “if they’re all bad, why bother voting?” apathy that’s already endemic. The last thing we need is less voter engagement.

If you don’t believe Bernie Sanders can get the nod, I point you to the candidacy of George McGovern. If you don’t believe he can win the presidency, I point you to Jimmy Carter. The history of campaigns for the executive branch is littered with the successes of individuals who were considered party outsiders.

the outsized political hope that “youth” have before they realize that every politician is a shill, nobody with real values is actually electable, and also that God Is Dead.

Which brings to mind the ridiculous spectacle that is the State of the Union address. Even when you like the person addressing the nation, having to endure constant partisanship-fueled applause (and, of course, the ostentatious withholding of that applause by the opposition) for every pet political point is exhausting.